
showed the interface microstructure of sample S1, S2 and S3, and the defect
outlines of the interface microstructure were shown in Fig. 2. In Fig.2a (the
sample S1) and Fig.2b (the sample S2), the defect rate was 22% and 23.7% respectively
with corresponding interface thickness of
5.0μm and 13.4μm. So the interface
defect rate was approximately equal while the interface thickness was different
for sample S1 and sample S2.

Fig.1 showed the interface microstructure of sample S1, S2 and S3, respectively, and the defect
outlines of the interface microstructure were shown in Figs. 2a and 2b.. In Fig.2a (the
sample S1) and Fig.2b (the sample S2), the defect rate was 22% and 23.7%, respectively
with corresponding interface thickness of 5.0μm and 13.4μm. As can be seen, the interface
defect rate was approximately equal for sample S1 and sample S2, while the interface thickness of both samples was different.

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