
1 你打算今天晚上做什么饭菜?

2 你昨天晚上做的饭菜 很好吃 ,今晚可以再做点吗?

3 你今天中午做的饭菜 很难吃。明天别做了。

4 这是一个免费停车场 / 收费停车场吗?

5 这附近有免费的停车场吗?


1. What are you cooking for today's dinner?
2. The food you cooked for yesterday's dinner is delicious, can you cook again for today's dinner?
3. The food you cooked this afternoon is not as nice (委婉,明白不?). Please try not to cook it tomorrow.
4. Is this a free parking/ chargeless lot/ space?
5. Is there any free parking/ chargeless lot/ space nearby?
第1个回答  2013-04-15
1.What are you going to do this evening meal?
2.You last night's food delicious, can do tonight?
3.You done this noon meal is unpalatable. Tomorrow, don't do it.
4.This is a free parking lot/paid parking space?
5.There is free parking near here?
第2个回答  2013-04-15
What are you going to do for dinner tonight?
2 you last night's food delicious, can do tonight?
3 you today at noon cooking is terrible. Tomorrow, don't do it.
4 this is a free parking and parking charges?
There is free parking 5 near here?
第3个回答  2013-04-15