

Online Shopping. Nowadays,it is a common phenomenon that people like to go shopping online.Of course,shopping online has many advantages: 1 Online shopping is really fast and convenient,and the Internet is widely used now,thus it's many people's favor. 2 The time is precious to people in the era,and people could save a plenty of time by clicking the mouse. However,online shopping has some disadvantages as follows: 1 Many people use the Internet to spread fake and harmful information,and when customers go shopping online,they could be cheated. 2 The information of the product online is limited,and customers always lack communication,thus,the goods purchased are perhaps unsatisfactory. I hope that the government administers the Internet grimly,and people wisely go shopping online!
第1个回答  2013-04-26
Now more and more people begin to shop through computer. Of course, there are some strong points. It can save much time . We don't need to go out . And we can have many goods to choose. But there are also weak points. First we can not see the goods clearly. So we may be cheated. So we had better go to shops to buy .本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-05-02
Now more and more people begin to shop through computer. Of course, there are some strong points. It can save much time . We don't need to go out . And we can have many goods to choose. But there are also weak points. First we can not see the goods clearly. So we may be cheated. So we had better go to shops to buy .