
shipper's signed certificate stating that certificate of origin form-a in original has been despatched by courier before the date of shipment and that one set of negotiable documents including 1/3 original bill of lading has been despatched by courier directly to the applicant within 2-days after shipment copy of corresponding courier receipt is also required

  需要提供的单据一:受益人证明。证明内容:the certificate of origin form-a in original has been despatched by courier before the date of shipment and that one set of negotiable documents including 1/3 original bill of lading has been despatched by courier directly to the applicant within 2-days after shipment 。单据二:快递收据。
  shipper's signed certificate stating that copy/photocopy of certificate of origin form-a and
  one set of non-negotiable documents have been despatched by courier directly to the applicant within 7days after shipment copy of corresponding courier receipt is also required.
第1个回答  2012-08-08
这个条款首先要求提交受益人证明,其次是2份快递回执,因为需要你发两个快递。但是这里面包含的,需要你执行的任务很多,有多种单据需要你直接快递寄给开证申请人:1,FORM A原产地证书,而且要求在装运之前发快递。2,一套议付单据,包括1份正本提单,并且要求在提单日期之后2日内发快递。
第2个回答  2012-08-08
“经发货人签署的证明,注明原产地证书FORM A正本已在装运日期前以快件寄出,整套议付文件,包括1/3正本提单在装运后的两天内已经以快件寄交开证人,并须附上相关的快件收据。”

第3个回答  2012-08-08

We hereby certify that certificate of origin form-a in original has been despatched by courier before the date of shipment and that one set of negotiable documents including 1/3 original bill of lading has been despatched by courier directly to the applicant within 2-days after shipment.签字

copy of corresponding courier receipt is also required快递底单即可!本回答被网友采纳