

在西方文化中,"7"是为人所钟爱的.随着宗教的兴起和发展,数字"7"具有浓厚的宗教色彩,它渗透到社会的各个方面.上帝用七天的时间创造了世间的万物(SEVEN DAY IN CREATION).在希腊有"希腊七贤"(THE SEVEN SAGES OF GREECE)和"七大主教"(THE SEVEN BISHOPS)之说,西方的宗教和文化常采用数字"七"来规范人们的道德行为或归纳历史人文景物,社会团体,宗教仪式等,对语言文化产生了重大影响.


The number "seven" is people's favorite in the western culture. With the emergence and development of religions, the number" seven" is endowed with strong religious sense and penetrates every aspect of society.

上帝用七天的时间创造了世间的万物(SEVEN DAY IN CREATION).在希腊有"希腊七贤"(THE SEVEN SAGES OF GREECE)和"七大主教"(THE SEVEN BISHOPS)之说,西方的宗教和文化常采用数字"七"来规范人们的道德行为或归纳历史人文景物,社会团体,宗教仪式等,对语言文化产生了重大影响.
God spent seven days in creation. There were the so-called "Seven Sages of Greece" and "the Seven Bishops". The number "seven" is often used in the western religion and culture to regulate people's moral behavior or summarize the historical and humanitarian scenery, social groups and religious rituals etc., which has had great impact on the language and culture.
第1个回答  2008-02-23
In western culture, the number '7' is loved by the people.As the rise and development of religion, the number '7' was painted with a thick religious colour.It has infiltrated into various aspects of the society.For example, God created everything in the world in seven days(SEVEN DAY IN CREATION).In Greece, there were some people who were called 'the seven sages of greece' and 'the seven bishops'.The western religions and culture used to use the number '7' to stipulate people's behaviour or generalize historical and human scenes, social communities, religious ceremonies, etc, which had a huge influence on the culture of language.
第2个回答  2008-02-23
In the western culture, 7 is a popular figure. With the foundation and development of religion, 7 has been deeply related with religion and all the aspects of the sociaty. The God spent 7 days in creation. There are "The Seven Sages of Greece" and "The Seven Bishops" in Greece. The western religions and culture always use 7 to regulate people's moral and summarize the historic scene, sociaty groups and rituals. This has influenced a lot on the language culture.
第3个回答  2008-02-23
In Western culture, "7" is being favourite. With the development and the rise of religious figures "7" with a strong religious overtones, it penetrated every aspect of society. Seven days by the time God created the world everything (SEVEN DAY IN CREATION). Greece, "The Seven Sages of Greece" (THE SEVEN SAGES OF GREECE) and the "seven Archbishop" (THE SEVEN BISHOPS), Western religious and cultural figures often used the "seven" to regulating people summed up the moral or historical features humanities, social organizations, such as religious ceremonies, language and culture have had a significant impact.