
Now it wasn't so long ago that Burma was a pariah state: decades of military rule, the crushing of opposition groups and pro-democracy protests. The country's faced tough US and EU trade sanctions and depended heavily on its links with India and China. But today there's been a remarkable turnaround. The arrival in Europe this week of Nobel Price-winning dissident Aung San Suu Kyi who's now a Burmese MP is symptomatic of a new spirit of political openness in Burma, one that's been matched from abroad with the freeing of all kinds of new trade links. And given the country's vast natural resources, large population and strategic position in Asia, you can see why foreign investors might be excited. So is Burma, or Myanmar, as it's also known, set to become a new Asian tiger? Or is the legacy of 50 years of mismanagement too great an obstacle? Lucy Hooker has been in Rangoon to find out.

Now it wasn't so long ago that Burma was a pariah state: decades of military rule, the crushing of opposition groups and pro-democracy protests.

The country's faced tough US and EU trade sanctions and depended heavily on its links with India and China.

But today there's been a remarkable turnaround.

The arrival in Europe this week of Nobel Price-winning dissident Aung San Suu Kyi who's now a Burmese MP is symptomatic of a new spirit of political openness in Burma, one that's been matched from abroad with the freeing of all kinds of new trade links.

And given the country's vast natural resources, large population and strategic position in Asia, you can see why foreign investors might be excited.

So is Burma, or Myanmar, as it's also known, set to become a new Asian tiger?

Or is the legacy of 50 years of mismanagement too great an obstacle?

Lucy Hooker has been in Rangoon to find out.

第1个回答  2012-06-18
不久以前,缅甸还是一个令人唾弃的国家:数十年的军事独裁统治,反对派的镇压以及支持民主的抗议性活动。该国顽强地直面美国及欧盟对其的贸易制裁同时严重依赖于一度和中国的联系(援助?)。但时至今日已有所好转,在本周诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼上,现国会议员,异见人士昂山素季的到来反映了缅甸的一个政治开放的新精神,一个与国外相匹配的多种新贸易联系。鉴于该国丰富的自然资源,庞大的人口和在亚洲的战略地位,您可以看到为什么外国投资者可能会兴奋。所以说 Burma, 或者说Myanmar,就人们所知的,将成为新的亚洲一小龙。或者是五十年来因 管理不善所遗留的问题形成的绊脚石?Lucy Hooker已在仰光找到问题所在。
第2个回答  2012-06-18