Renaissance in England 英国文艺复兴 名词解释

1 slow:endless wars and insular position
2 beginging:start ofTudor Monarchy in 1485
3 new buildings,statues and pictures
4 writers:praise of the life,rich imagination,beautiful language,humanism,individualism

It was a cultural and artistic movement in England started from Tudor Monarchy in 1485. It was slow in penetrating England. Because of the endless wars and insular position. During the period of the Renaissance in England, the new style of bulidings,statues and pictures were appeared. 同样都是要考英概的悲催 ,我也在纠结,这是我这几综合的,参考参考吧。
第1个回答  2012-06-03
The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th and early 16th centuries to the early 17th century. The beginning of the English Renaissance is often taken, as a convenience, to be 1485, when the Battle of Bosworth Field ended the Wars of the Roses and inaugurated the Tudor Monarchy . Renaissance style and ideas, however, were slow in penetrating England, and the Elizabethan era in the second half of the 16th century is usually regarded as the height of the English Renaissance.
