

一、health:名词, 健康;卫生;保健;兴旺。
1、Well, you should be; unless you really do not care about your health.是的,你应该这样做;除非你真的不在乎自己的健康。
2、So, why lie to yourself about your health?因此,为什么要对你自己的健康说谎呢?
3、Take good care of your health.好好保养你的身体。
4、You should go to have the doctor check on your health.你应当去找医生检查一下身体的健康状况。
5、Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.健康的丧失比财富的损失更为重要。
1、Healthy personal relationships are one of the keys to happiness.健康的人际关系是通往幸福的关键之一。
2、We should keep away from cigarette and keep healthy.我们应该以远离烟草, 保持健康.
3、This is because these foods are eaten everyday in snacks and meals and are essential for healthy growth and development in children.这是因为这些食物包含在每天的小吃和正餐里,并且是孩子们健康成长和发展的必需品。
4、But there are things that they can do to have healthy hair.不过她们可以为拥有一头健康的秀发做许多事。
5、She said we must eat healthy food.她说我们必须吃健康的食品。
第1个回答  2023-04-04


    I'm not feeling well.(我感觉不太好。)

    I'm feeling under the weather.(我感觉身体不适。)

    I'm feeling a bit off.(我感觉有些不对劲。)

    My health isn't great.(我的身体状况不太好。)

    I'm a bit out of sorts.(我感觉有些不舒服。)