
第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假如你叫李明,有一位来自英国的朋友Mike。他与父母一道来到了中国。初来乍到,他发现自己在家时所学的汉语根本就不够用。因此,他给你发来一封电子邮件,向你请教如何提高汉语听说能力。请根据下面的提示,给他回一封邮件。邮件的内容包含如下要点: 1. 邮件已收到,理解他所遇到的问题。 2. 提出如下建议:在课内课外要多说汉语,应尽可能与同学交流,不要担心犯错误;在家看电视时,多注意节目主持人的发音,以便提高听力水平。 3.祝愿他学习取得进步。注意:1. 内容应包括以上要点,可适当增加细节,以使内容连贯; 2. 词数:120左右。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Li Ming

One possible version:
Dear Mike,
I have received your email and I understand your problem.
Here is my advice for improving your Chinese. Firstly, speak Chinese more, both in and out of class. Try your best to communicate with your classmates in Chinese. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because making mistakes is quite natural. I think the more you speak, the better your Chinese will be. Secondly, you pay more attention to TV presenters in order to improve your listening when you are watching TV at home. I’m sure you will make great progress as time goes on. In conclusion, I wish you every success with your studies.
Li Ming
