

Lu about was born in this surname 507 BC to lose, name class. Because he is LuGuoRen, so people milnwood lu. Some books for or to lose a writing autumn plate. He is engaged woodworking work. When people to make trees to become already flat and smooth board, still do not have what good method. Lu in practice watched, imitate biological form, invented a lot of woodworking tools, such as saws, a plane, etc. How is the invention saws lu? According to legend once he into deep cut trees, carelessly, hand was a kind of grass leaf blade, he ripped off lightly touched, originally leaves both sides have 8-cm-long teeth, and his hand was these small teeth ripped, he also saw in a tree on there is a important weeds locust, two big BanYa also lined by many small teeth, so can quickly grinded blade. Lu from these two things got a inspiration. He thought, if such dentate tools, isn't also can quickly sawed through trees! Hence, he after many tests, finally invented the sharp saws, greatly improving the working efficiency追问


第1个回答  2012-11-20
Huang Lu Zhuang in the Qing Emperor Kangxi our first country invented the bicycle in the world. The ancestor of the bicycle of five hundred years BC wheelbarrow. Kangxi period (1662 to 1722), Huang Lu Zhuang had invented a bike. Set out in the Qing Dynasty, the unofficial Grand View "Juan Shiyi: Huang Lu Zhuang system of two-wheeled trolley a three feet long I can sit, do not have to push-pull, self row, Handle shaft next song street is complex ever, with live line to pull the 89 foot line with where. "This is the first bike in the world. (2) the inventor: Siv Mubarak invention: AD 1790 (2) bike for Western Europeans invented. In the year 1790, the French Siv Mubarak developed into a wooden bike handlebars, pedals, chains. Car looks like a Trojan foot pinned two wheels, two wheels are fixed in a line. Bike drive unit and the steering device, cushions, Schiff Mubarak riding in the car, feet, back and firmly placed the car in a straight line. In 1817, Germany of Baron von Delaisse of invention handlebars of a free exercise his bike transition. In 1818, Delaisse applied for a patent in the United Kingdom. In 1839, K Macmillan, a British worker first pedal bicycle crank mechanism to drive the rear wheels, people can Cycling feet off the ground. 1861 day Paris carriage and stroller manufacturer Michaux and his son repair Delaisse bicycle repaired the ramp test, very difficult to feel this car to put the feet, so it has been improved in the car front wheel on the placement of the pedal crank, invented Michaud bikes, this bike soon began mass production. About 1870 years ago, the French horses executive manufacturing a front drive wheels behind the driven wheel bike, this car run better. 1890 British Humber produce a chain drive car Ling bike, this form of bicycle has been in use ever since. (3) The inventor: Artamonov invention time: 1801 ③ bike for the Russians invented. One day in September 1801, the Russian agricultural 奴阿尔塔莫 Ivanov rode their manufacturing wooden bicycle, traveling 2500 kilometers, rushed to Moscow to Tsar origins of Alexander I of gift. The Artamonov manufacturing bicycle Frenchman Schiff Mubarak manufacture the car is more similar. Alexander I saw the the Artamonov bicycle manufacturing, immediately ordered the cancellation of the identity of his slaves.
汉语黄履庄在清康熙年间是我国是世界上发明自行车最早的国家。自行车的始祖是我国公元前五百多年的独轮车。清康熙年间(1662~1722年),黄履庄曾发明过自行车。《清朝野史大观》卷十一载:“黄履庄所制双轮小车一辆,长三尺余,可坐一人,不须推挽,能自行。行时,以手挽轴旁曲拐,则复行如初,随住随挽日足行八十里。”这就是世界上最早的自行车。(2)发明者:西夫拉克发明时间:公元1790年 ②自行车为西欧人所发明。公元1790年,法国人西夫拉克研制成木制自行车,无车把、脚蹬、链条。车的外形像一匹木马的脚下钉着两个车轮,两个轮子固定在一条线上。由于这辆自行车没有驱动装置和转向装置,座垫低,西夫拉克自己骑在车上,两脚着地,向后用力蹬,使车子沿直线前进。1817年,德国的冯·德莱斯男爵发明了一种能自由活动的车把,使他的自行车转变比较方便。1818年,德莱斯在英国申请了专利。1839年,英国一位工人K·麦克米伦首创了用曲轴机构驱动后轮的脚踏自行车,可使人在骑自行车时双足离开地面。1861年的一天,巴黎的马车和婴儿车制造商米肖父子修理德莱斯式自行车,修好后在坡道上试车时,感到这种车放脚很困难,于是对它进行了改进,在车的前轮上安上脚蹬曲轴,从而发明了米肖型自行车,不久这种自行车便开始大量生产。大概在1870年前后,法国的马执又制造了一种前面驱动轮大,后面从动轮小的自行车,这种车的运行效果较好。1890年后,英国的亨伯公司生产出一种用链条传动的、车为菱型的自行车,这种形式的自行车一直沿用至今。(3)发明者:阿尔塔莫诺夫发明时间:1801年 ③自行车为俄国人发明。1801年9月的一天,俄国农奴阿尔塔莫诺夫骑着自己制造的木制自行车,行驶2500公里,赶到莫斯科向沙皇来历山大一世献礼。阿尔塔莫诺夫制造的自行车与法国人西夫拉克制造的车较相似。亚历山大一世见到阿尔塔莫诺夫制造的自行车,当即下令取消了他的奴隶身份。