来一篇how to prevent the flu的带中文翻译作文80字左右,急急急!!!


It is not difficult to prevent the flu. First, build a healthy lifestyle. Sleep enough time to keep fresh. Eat
high-protein food. Drink more water to keep the body moist. Drink at least
eight glasses of water a day. Herbal teas and diluted fruit juices are good
options for increasing your water intake. Wash your hands before eating. it
really does help keep virus away. If you have to go to a place with many
people, take a mouth-mask. You should avoid sharing drinking and eating
utensils with people who are sick.

第1个回答  2012-11-09
How to prevent the flu
These days,many people become sick,especially have the flu.Every year,when the season changes, the flu spreads quickly.But how to prevent the flu?And what should we do then?

First,we must do enough exercise everyday.We may play sports ,such as walking,running,doing morning exercises,playing ball games,and so on.Doing sports can help build up our bodies.

Second,we'd better keep our rooms clean and the air around us fresh.We should often tidy our rooms and sweep or mop the floor.And we must often open the windows and let the fresh air in.

Third,we should often wash our hands with the move water,if permitted.And we'd better have a bath as often as possible.Of course,we have to often change our clothes,too.In this way,the germs can't come into the body through the skin.

Fourth,we'd better keep away from the crowded places,such as the hospital,the big supermarket,business center and so on,Because the air there isn't fresh enough.We may easily catch all kinds of infections there.

Next, we have to drink enough water every day.At this time of year, the air is always quite dry.There's little rain and it blows strongly.Many people feel thirsty easily.So we'd better drink 1500milliliter water every day,or we'll get xick in different ways.

Finally,it's better to go to bed early and get up early.There's a famous saying which says:"Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy,wealthy and wise."Having enough sleep can help make us keep healthy.

Good health is more important than wealth.Hope you keep healthy every day!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-11-09
你在百度上打上how to prevent the flu, 作文有的是,当然你可以作为参考,最好别照单抄,一是极易与你同学撞衫,二是不利于你的英语提高,自己构思一下,不会表达的,很乐意帮助
第3个回答  2012-11-09



drink more water



第4个回答  2012-11-09