
1889年1月,二十三岁的叶芝遇见二十二岁的女演员昂德•冈——一位驻爱尔兰英军上校的女儿 她美貌非凡且富有同情心 是爱尔兰民族独立运动的领导者。叶芝对她一见钟情。叶芝这样描写过他第一次见到昂德•冈的情形:“她伫立窗畔,身旁盛开着一大团苹果花;她光彩夺目,仿佛自身就是洒满了阳光的花瓣。”叶芝对她多次求婚,但她始终不理叶芝的爱意。无望的痛苦激发着叶芝的创作灵感,他因此写下了很多有关昂德•冈的诗歌:有时是激情的爱恋,有时是绝望的怨恨,更多的是爱和恨之间复杂的情愫。叶芝在诗句中不言所倾慕对象的美丽动人,青春魅力,而是跨越几十年时光,进入一个虚拟世界,想像她老了的情景,含蓄地道出了自己对昂德•冈忠贞不渝的爱。《当你老了》所表述的爱,是一份泪中含笑的爱,绵长、炽热而又纯真,试问,现而今,又有多少人能够经得住这么长久的爱的煎熬?而当初的叶芝,不论岁月怎么变换,无论空间怎样转换,不管是欢笑还是悲愁,他始终执著地爱着的,是那个惟一的,让他怀有朝圣般心境的人。现代人的爱情,已经越来越淡忘最初的执着和永恒。

In January 1889, 23 years old of Yeats met twenty-two actress the DE hill in Ireland, a British captain's daughter her beauty special and full of sympathy is Irish national independence movement leaders. Yeats with her at the first sight. Yeats such describing his first time to see the DE hill situation: "she stood beside the window side, in a mass of apple blossom; she glow, as if their own is spread full sunshine petals." Yeats many times to her to marry him but she always ignore Yeats love. Hopeless pain motivates Yeats creation inspiration, so he wrote a lot about the DE because poetry: sometimes is passionate love, sometimes is the despair of resentment, more is between love and hate complex feelings. Yeats poem in the
第1个回答  2012-10-20
In January 1889, the 23-year-old Yeats met 22-year-old actress the Emde • Gang - the daughter of a British army colonel in Ireland her extraordinary beauty and rich compassion is the leader of the Irish nationalist independence movement. Yeats fell in love with her at first sight. Yeats wrote of he first met Emde • Gang scenario: "She stands window River, beside apple flowers in full bloom with a large group of; She dazzling, as if their own is bathed in sunshine petals." Leaves Shiba her to marry him several times, but she always ignored Yeats's love. Inspired Yeats inspiration hopeless suffering, so he wrote a lot about the Emde • Gang of poetry: sometimes passionate love, sometimes despair resentment, is the complexity of the feelings of love and hate between. Yeats poem speak for the admiration of the object beautiful, youthful charm, but across decades of time, into a virtual world, imagine her old scenario, implicitly points Emde • Gang faithful 's love. "When You Are Old" expressed love, love is smiling in a tears, lingering, hot and innocence, I ask, now now, how many people can withstand the torment of such a long-standing love? The original Yeats, regardless of the years how to transform, no matter how to convert the space, regardless of laughter or sadness, he always loved to stick, is that the only people he cherished pilgrimage mood.Modern love, has become increasingly forgotten the original dedication and eternal.