Armani阿玛尼黑钥匙眼霜和La Mer海蓝之谜的眼霜,哪个好用?适合多大年龄的人,性价比如何?


海蓝之谜好些.我为你回答的是新款的海蓝之谜眼霜的说明.Armani阿玛尼的眼霜我就没用过,你要是问我CREMA NERA “黑钥匙”面霜我倒还能回答你.希望对你有所帮助吧.A concentrated, ultraluxe eye treatment that lightens dark circles, deflates puffiness, hydrates and smoothes out lines and wrinkles. The sensitive skin around the eyes is particularly vulnerable to stress, time and the harmful effects of the environment - requiring special attention. The Eye Concentrate combines a triple concentration of Crème de la Mer's original Miracle Broth? with marine extracts and advanced botanicals to dramatically diminish the appearance of lines, wrinkles and undereye discolorations as it soothes, smoothes and softens.How to use:
Apply the silver-tipped applicator gently to the eye area morning and evening. Applicator is designed to increase circulation, cool inflammation, and deliver a precise amount of The Eye Concentrate to eye. May be used over The Lifting Face Serum. Follow with Crème de la Mer. Also provides excellent results when applied to other vulnerable areas, such as smile lines, forehead lines and lips.美国最新品,国内买不到的!

第1个回答  2014-02-18
两个都是大名鼎鼎的产品额。两个都是比较滋补的,个人建议30岁以上再用,价格比较高,但是效果还是很强悍的。armani的这个是明星产品,很出名了,其实armani的黑钥匙系列都很厉害,不过国内难买。la mer的产品贵为顶级系列的,那个价位自然不用说,而且效果也是很受用户肯定的,国内专柜也特少。本来眼霜就是比较滋补,年纪大点再用,再加上又是这两个品牌,所以上面说的,30以后再用吧至于用哪个的话,我比较推荐la mer,毕竟它是专门产护肤品的
第2个回答  2014-12-07