哪位高人能帮忙翻译下啊! 急急急

例如,有一个时期,市场上钢材特别紧张。有个专门经营成批钢材的公司生意非常兴隆。一天,公司经理的好朋友来找他,说急需一吨钢材,而且希望价格特别优惠,要求比市场上的批发价还低百分之十。公司经理因为过去的亲密友谊,实在无法毫不留情地加以拒绝,所以就巧妙地用补偿法来对付这位朋友。他对 朋友说,本公司经营钢材是以千吨为单位的,无法拆开一吨来给他。不过,总不能让老朋友白跑一趟。所以他提议这位朋友去找一个专门经营小额钢材的公司。这家小公司和他们有业务往来。他可以给这家小公司打招呼,以最优惠的价格(毫无疑问,这一“最优惠”的含义是模糊语言。因为再优惠,也不会比市场批发 价低百分之十)卖给他一吨。这位朋友虽然遭到了拒绝,但因为得到了“补偿”。所以拿着他写的条子,高高兴兴地去找那家小公司,最后以批发价买了一吨钢材。

  excuse law. Modern enterprise is not isolated , their survival and the external world connection having countless ties. Request being able to meet a few having no way to be satisfied with in middle all right , the daily travel in enterprise all right, sometimes in negotiation. Face the other party or backing is very important; Or go over in you once had grace; Be your friend who is close friends very much , close relative coming and going or , refuse if you are simple, so probably, your enterprise meeting meets with a retaliatory strike, or having carried on the back bad reputation devoid of gratitude. Dealing with this kind of marriage partner , the best way is to use excuse to decline them coming law.
  For instance, some Shanghai joint investment knits the enterprise product sale very well. Somebody has held batch led by some coming to look for a sales manager , has wanted to buy one large amounts of with the price being lower than wholesale. The sales manager looks at closer with each passing day noon , get a sudden idea, first let a messenger receive the dining hall , ushers eating, and say to the messenger: Quantity criticizes "your essential points thing greatly, price is low , already exceed my extent of authority. However, you feel relieved about , this waits upon piece our to go and handle immediately all-out. You eat first". After meal, he says to holding person: Our general manager criticizes "your brief informal note , essential points. But, the general manager has just arrived Beijing having had a meeting going to. Come to ask about if you go back first , call for a couple of days again". This chap has got snubbed be soft , cannot send out fire, be forced to return home in a very melancholy mood
  Don't say reason law. The former Soviet Union Foreign Minister Geluomi Ke is to be good at veteran
  of negotiating with. , when he has prepare the indisputable reason in the opponent when or having
  no way not to satisfy breakaway the other party requirments possibly during the period of one
  competes for height with the opponent theoretically,his self's speciality is not to explain that
  any reason , brightness say one "not being styled". USA former Secretary of State Vance had had
  experience of Geluomi Ke "block of wood" tactics for a long time. He is in Vienna out of curious
  number of times saying a "block of wood" in Ke having recorded Geluomi in negotiation in 1979, when
  Ke negotiates with Geluomi, the once negotiates with down actually having 12 to take second place
  many. Be honest , vary but not falling therefore Geluomi Ke Zhi getting through four Soviet Union
  leaders', successively the American president negotiates with nine but invincible, this does not
  explain the reason "block of wood" tactics, one of important magic weapon in being his lot of magic
  5 humorous law. In negotiation, may come across not good facade declining the other party
  sometimes, the other party possibly is unwilling to demand determinedly or condition , you are
  declined not directly additionally , contrary total and uncritical acceptance. And then debuting a
  few is absurd , denies thereby come unrealistic conclusion according to the other party's request
  or condition. This refuses law , sometimes can produce humorous effect. For instance, have a period
  , the former Soviet Union and Norway to buy the Norway herring once right away have carried out
  longtime negotiation. Norwegian being hit by , being being fully aware of the trade negotiation
  secret of success in negotiation, states a price highly unusually. Soviet negotiation has
  represented and Norwegian has carried out hard higgling, Norwegian is to persist in not giving in.
  Negotiation has carried out one wheel and one wheel , the representative has changed one and one ,
  still coming to nothing.