
It was suggested in the questionnaire that should a cash-
out scheme be implemented, there were a number of
possible ways of giving up the parking space. The first
option was to give up the space permanently and receive a
substantial one-off cash payment but it was made clear
they could never again park at the workplace. The second
option was to give up the space on an annual basis for
h1300 for the year but if they chose this option they could
not change their mind and choose to park again at the
work place until the following year. The third option was
to give up the parking space on a monthly basis and receive
h100 for the month but they could not choose to park
again until the following month. The final option was to
give up the space on a daily basis and receive h4 for the day
and have the option of choosing on each day whether you
would like to park or take the cash value. The preferences
given to each option are presented in Fig. 1. As expected,giving up the space permanently is the least popular with
75% of the group giving it preference 4 (least favoured). In
the case of giving up the space for a year and receiving the
relevant payment, over 30% give this a preference of 1 or 2
indicating some acceptance of it as a demand management
strategy. To put this in context, in the case of reducing
congestion in urban areas, relatively small reductions in
overall car trips can make significant improvements and so
this result is encouraging. However, the subtlety of this
point in relation to the absolute benefits of this policy
considered in isolation is worth noting i.e. if congestion is
reduced, fewer individuals may be willing to give up their
car parking space. This is a difficulty with many demand
management strategies but perhaps if this strategy was used
in conjunction with other strategies as part of an integrated
transport policy programme, the effects may not induce a
negative overall impact. In the case of giving up the space
each week, almost 80% give this either a preference of 1 or
2. Finally, in the case of giving up the space for a day, while
one would expect this to receive the highest number of first
and second preferences combined, what is interesting is the
number of individuals giving it a third or fourth
preference—over 30%.

It was suggested in the questionnaire that should a cash- out scheme be implemented, there were a number of possible ways of giving up the parking space.调查表暗示了有许多种放弃停车位的可能方式执行现金支付方案The first option was to give up the space permanently and receive a substantial one-off cash payment but it was made clear they could never again park at the workplace. 首先选择永久放弃停车位,得到一次性补偿,但他们将永不能再次在工作场所停车The second option was to give up the space on an annual basis for H1300 for the year but if they chose this option they could not change their mind and choose to park again at the work place until the following year. 其次选择以年度为基准放弃停车位,每年收到1300H的补偿,如果他们做了这一选择,他们将不能改变主意而在工作场所停车直到下一年可以再次选择时The third option was to give up the parking space on a monthly basis and receive h100 for the month but they could not choose to park again until the following month. 第三种选择是以月为基准放弃停车位,每月收到100H的补偿,但他们不能停车直到下月The final option was to give up the space on a daily basis and receive h4 for the day and have the option of choosing on each day whether you would like to park or take the cash value. 最后一种选择是以天为基准放弃停车位,每天收到4H的补偿,他们可以每天选择停车或要补偿The preferences given to each option are presented in Fig. 1. 每一种放弃选择的参数用书面形式表达了出来As expected,正如所预料到的一样 giving up the space permanently is the least popular with75% of the group giving it preference 4 (least favoured). 永久放弃停车位是最不受欢迎的,75%的人愿意以每天4H补偿的方式放弃停车位(最少的优惠)In the case of giving up the space for a year and receiving the relevant payment, over 30% give this a preference of 1 or 2 indicating some acceptance of it as a demand management strategy.愿意以年为基准收到补偿放弃停车位的人群中,超过30%的人给了1到2点调整意见.To put this in context, in the case of reducing congestion in urban areas, relatively small reductions in overall car trips can make significant improvements and so this result is encouraging. 在这种情况下,车流量有所降低,城市拥堵有所减轻,交通压力有所缓解However, the subtlety of this point in relation to the absolute benefits of this policy considered in isolation is worth noting i.e. if congestion is reduced, fewer individuals may be willing to give up their car parking space.不管怎样,这一政策实施绝对益处是的微小的,换言之,如果拥堵减轻了更少的人乐于放弃他们的停车位了 This is a difficulty with many demand management strategies but perhaps if this strategy was used in conjunction with other strategies as part of an integrated transport policy programme, the effects may not induce a negative overall impact. In the case of giving up the space each week, almost 80% give this either a preference of 1 or 2. 这是个难题,或许这一策略与其它策略一起合用,可能会有大的影响,这有赖以更多的利诱,如果有每周放弃停车位的这种情况,几乎80%的人放弃第一,二种选择. Finally, in the case of giving up the space for a day, while one would expect this to receive the highest number of first and second preferences combined, what is interesting is the number of individuals giving it a third or fourth preference—over 30%. 最终改为以天放弃的30%的人.如果在第三,四种选择基础上,每多放弃一天,就相应的加一点补偿,是不是会增加他们的兴趣呢?
第1个回答  2012-04-11
在对调查问卷显示要现金-   实现了方案,有一系列的  可能方式的放弃了停车位。第一  选择是放弃这个空间,并获得永久的  大量现金付款,但它是一次性注明  他们不可能再公园在工作的地方。第二  选择是放弃这个空间,每年的基础  今年的h1300,但是如果他们选择这个选项他们能够理解  不能改变自己的心事,再选择公园  直到第二年的工作场所。  第三种选择是  放弃了停车位每月和接受  h100为一个月,但是他们无法选择去公园  要等到下个月。最后的选择是  放弃空间在一个每日的基础上和接收h4一天  和有选择的选择每天不管你  想公园或以现金价值。偏爱  给每一个选择都是呈现在图1。正如人们所预料的那样,放弃空间永久是最不受欢迎的  75%的组给予它偏好4(最钟爱的)。在  放弃的情况下空间一年和接收  有关支付,30%以上的偏好给这一个1或2   表示一些接受它作为一个需求管理等  策略。把这个在上下文的情况下降低  拥挤在城市地区,相对较小的减少  旅行可以使整体汽车等有显著的改善  这个结果是令人鼓舞的。然而,这是指洞察事物的敏锐  点的绝对利益关系这一政策  值得注意的是孤立地考虑即如果堵塞  减少,更少的人会愿意放弃他们  停车空间。这是一个困难,许多需求  但如果经营策略,这种策略被使用  会同其他策略一部分作为一个综合  运输政策计划,这可能不会引起的影响  消极的总体影响。  在案件的放弃的空间  每个星期,几乎80%给这要么是偏好为1或  2。最后,在案例放弃空间一天,时间  不过这都是获得最多的第一  和第二参数组合,有趣的是  大量个人给它一个第三或者第四  preference-超过30%。



第2个回答  2020-02-03