

1 as soon as一 ……就……
2 (not) as/so…as…和……(不)一样
3 as…as possible 尽……可能
4 ask sb for sth从某人要某物
5 ask/ tell sb (how) to do sth 要求/告诉某人怎样做某事
6 ask/tell sb (not) to do sth要求/告诉某人(不)做某事
7 be afraid of doing sth/ that害怕做某事
8 be busy doing sth忙于做某事
9 be famous/ late/sorry for doing/+n.因……而著名/迟到/遗憾
be ready for doing/+n.准备好
10 be glad that高兴
11 both …and…两者都
12 buy/ give /show/ send /pass/bring /lend/ tell sb sth
13 either …or…或者……或者
14 enjoy/hate/finish/mind/keep/ go on doing sth
15 get+比较级 变得更……
16 get on with和某人相处
17 get ready for/ get sth ready准备好
18 give/ show/ send/ pass/bring/lend/ tell sth to sb
19 had better (not) do sth最好(不)要做某事
20 I don’t think that…我不认为……
21 I would like to do…/Would you like to do…?我想要做……/你想要做……?
22 It takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间
23 help sb (to) do/ help sb with帮助某人做某事
24 It’s bad/ good for…对……有害/益
25 It’s important for sb to do sth做某事对于某人重要
26 It’s time for doing sth /to do sth该做……的时间了
27 It’s two meters (years) long (old)两米长/两岁大
28 keep sb doing保持做某事
29 keep/ make sth +adj.保持/使某物怎么样
30 like to do/ like doing喜欢做某事
31 make/let sb (not) do sth使/让某人(不)做某事
32 neither …nor…既不也不,两者都不
33 not …at all一点也不
34 not only… but also…不但……而且……
35 not…until…直到……才……
36 One… the other…一个…另一个…/Some …others…有的…有的……
37 see/ hear sb do (doing) sth看见/听见某人做某事
38 so …that…如此以至于
39 人spend 时间、钱…on/(in) doing sth做某事花费某人多少钱/时间
40 stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事
41 stop to do/ stop doing停下来去做某事/停止做某事
42 take/bring sth with sb某人随身带着某物
43 The+比较级…the…比较级 越来越……
44 There is sth wrong with………有问题
45 too+adj.… to do…太……以至于不能
46 used to do过去常常
47 What about/ How about doing …?……怎么样
48 What’s wrong/the matter with…?……怎么了
49 Why not do …?为什么不做……
50 Will(Would ,Could ) you please do…? 请你做……行吗?