
How do you ensure important phone numbers are always at your fingertips?
I usually remember my close relatives and friends' phone numbers through frequent use. But my memory cannot always be trusted. In this case, a mobile phone is extremely useful because it can store many phone numbers. But when the batteries run down, the mobile phone can't help either. So I also rely on my address book. To play safe, I prefer to have two address books. I take one with me and leave the other at home. Thus I can always find the number I need.

通过经常使用,我通常能记得和我关系近的亲属和朋友的电话号码,但是记忆并不是永远值得信任的。这样的话,手机就变得极其有用,因为它能够存储很多电话号码。但是当电池用完的时候,手机也就不能帮助记电话号码了。 因此我还依靠通讯录。为了安全起见,我喜欢用两个通讯录,一个带在身上,另一个留在家里。那样,我就总能找到我需要的电话号码了。