
1.would like表示意愿,意为 。在意义上同 相等。但语气比 委婉,客气很多。 人称和数的变化。
I would like= ; they woud like= ,
he would like= ; she would like= .
(1)肯定句:I’d like some French fries,(接 )
He’d like to go shopping.(接 )

总结:would like sth( )
would like to do sth( )
( )1.He’d like a bowl of noodles.
A.chicken and potato B.chickens and potatoes
C.chicken and potatoes
( )2.Would you like a cup of tea? .
A.Yes,I would. B.Yes,it is. C Yes,please.
( )3.They would like to the zoo.
A. go B.to go C .going D.goes
potato beef mutton onion chicken juice tomato tea soup rice salad strawberry ice cream cabbage carrot broccoli French fries dumpling noodle fish

.noodle名词“ ”常用 (单、复)数形式
牛肉面 ;牛肉西红柿面
名词作定语用 (单、复)数形式
3.What kind of noodles would you like? (询问面条 )
I’d like (牛肉胡萝卜面条).

第一,1.would like表示意愿,意为:好像愿意。在意义上同wish相等。但语气比wish委婉,客气很多。
I would like= I wish(我想) ;
they would(原题为woud)like=they will (他们将会) ,
he would like= he wish(他想) ; she would like= she wish她想) .
(1)肯定句:I’d like some French fries,(接和泡饭and soup rice )
He’d like to go shopping.(接这之后去动物园,this then to go the zoo. )

第二,总结:would like sth(语法.the grammar)and (和)
would like to do sth( 语法的差异grammar′s. the disparity.)
1.He’d like( eat 吃) a bowl .the noodles. (他想吃一碗面条)
A. 可数名词前加定冠词a
a chicken (一只鸡)and a potato(一个土豆)
.the chickens and potatoes(一群鸡和一堆土豆);
或者,.the chickens and .the potatoes
C. 可数名词前一般加定冠词a,名词的复数前也可加零冠词
.a chicken (一只鸡) and potatoes(和一堆土豆)
2.Would you like ( drink 喝 ) cup of tea? (你想喝一杯茶吗?) .
A一般回答:.Yes,I would.(是的,我想。)
B错误回答:.Yes,it is.(是的,它是。)
C委婉回答: Yes,please.(好的,谢谢。)
3.They would like (.to go )to the zoo. (想到动物园去)
正确选择:B.to go 错误选择:C .going(n,进行情况)
不恰当选择:A. go D.goes

第三,potato beef mutton onion chicken juice tomato tea soup rice salad strawberry ice cream cabbage carrot broccoli French fries dumpling noodle fish

1.属于可数名词的是:Potato(土豆),onion(洋葱),tomato(番茄),salad (沙拉),strawberry(草莓),ice cream(冰淇淋),cabbage(白菜),carrot(胡萝卜),broccoli(西兰花),fish(鱼)。
2. 属于不可数名词的是:beef(牛肉),mutton(羊肉),chicken juice(鸡汁),tea(茶),soup rice(泡饭),French fries(薯条),dumpling(饺子),noodle(面条)。

牛肉面“beef noodles” 常用(复)数形式;
牛肉西红柿面“beef tomato noodles” 常用(复)数形式 。
名词(如,碗bowl等)作定语用(单)数形式。 (再前面加数词,包括a,此时的名词相当于中文中的量词。人常说英语中无量词,而实际上是有的。英语也在发展,应明确这一点。)
3.What kind of noodles would you like? (你喜欢什么样的面条?)
I’d like the beef carrot noodles (我喜欢牛肉胡萝卜面条).
第1个回答  2012-04-14
I would like= i want ; they woud like= they want ,
he would like= he want ; she would like= she want
would like sth would like to do sth 这是基本用法,牢记
不可数 beef , mutton, chicken(鸡肉不可数,表小鸡是可数), tea (茶叶可数,喝的茶水不可数), rice,broccoli ,fish
.noodle名词“ ”常用 复 (单、复)数形式
名词作定语用 单(单、复)数形式
牛肉面 beef noodles ;牛肉西红柿面 beef and potato noodles
I’d like beef and carrot noodles (牛肉胡萝卜面条).