急求一篇关于宋庆龄的英语作文 谢谢

宋庆龄,伟大的爱国主义,民主主义,国际主义和共产主义战士,举世闻名的二十世纪的伟大女性。请根据以下要点写一篇英语短文介绍宋庆龄。 1.宋庆龄出生于上海,家境殷实,姊妹三个自幼便受到良好教育; 2.1907年赴美留学,1915年嫁给孙中山,投身于中国革命(revolution) ; 3.晚年致力于改善妇女儿童的生活条件。 100词左右


Song Qingling (1893-1981), born in Shanghai, is Sun Yat Sen's wife.


In his early years, he studied in the United States. Since 1938, he has devoted himself to the cause of culture and education, social relief, women's and children's health care.

早年在美国求学,自1938年起,致力于文化教育、社会救济(scoial relief)、妇女和儿童保健的事业。 

Founded in 1952, China construction is now China today. It is the only comprehensive foreign monthly magazine published in six languages.


After the founding of new China, he was elected vice president of the people's Republic of China.


He joined the Communist Party of China two weeks before his death in 1981 and was awarded the honorary president of the people's Republic of China.


In modern China, the calendar has written a glorious chapter. Therefore, Song Qingling is known as one of the greatest women in the 20th century.


第1个回答  2012-04-24
中文:.宋庆龄(1893—1981),生于上海,孙中山的夫人。 2.早年在美国求学,自1938年起,致力于文化教育、社会救济(scoial relief)、妇女和儿童保健的事业。 3.1952创办《中国建设》(China reconstructs),现改为《今日中国》(China Today),是中国目前唯一的以六种语言出版的综合性(comprehensive)对外月刊。 4.新中国成立以后,当选为中华人民共和国副主席。于1981年逝世前2周加入中国共产党,被授予中华人民共和国名誉主席称号。英文:Sung Ch'ing-ling) (27 January 1893 – 29 May 1981), also known as Madame Sun Yat-sen, was one of the three Soong sisters—who, along with their husbands, were amongst China's most significant political figures of the early 20th century. She was the Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China. She was the first non-royal woman to officially become head of state of China, acting as Co-Chairman of the Republic from 1968 until 1972. She again became head of state in 1981, briefly before her death, as President of China. Soong is sometimes regarded as Asia's first female non-monarchial head of state, although her title of Honorary President of the People's Republic of China was purely ceremonial.
第2个回答  2012-05-01