

Renew a development principle, in order to set up to guide member troops profession to turn to lay good environment foundation, innovation development mechanism, in order to set up to guide member troops profession to turn to indicate a direction, and expanded independent college guidance troops profession of teacher Yuan to turn a harmonious development.
第1个回答  2012-04-23
1.To revamp the development plan so as to lay the foundation and to establish environment for the counsellor's profession;
2. To create new development mechanism so as to provide clear direction for the counsellor, it is to setup an independent counseling centre and enables the consellor can development themselves.
第2个回答  2012-04-23
Updated development idea, for the construction of political instructor team laid a good professional environment foundation, innovation development mechanism, for the construction of political instructor team have pointed out the direction of specialization, and explore the independent college counselor teachers specialization harmonious development.