
1.请给家里打个电话,告诉他们我正在去公司得路上。(on the way to ……)中译英
4.我建议你把钱存入银行。(mate a betosit)中译英
5.昨天王先生结帐离开了那家旅馆。(check out)中译英

1.Please call the family to tell them that I'm on my way to the company.

2. Since then, there was never setback in the product.

3. I saw him insert the key into the lock.

4. I suggest you make a depoisit in the bank.

5. Yesterday Mr Wang checked out from that hotel.
第1个回答  2006-03-09
1. Please call home to tell them I'm on the way to the company.
2. Since the production, there was never a setback.
3. I saw him insert the key into the lock.
4. I advise you to make a deposit in the bank.
5. Yesterday, Mr. Wang checked out of that hotel.
第2个回答  2006-03-10
1.请给家里打个电话,告诉他们我正在去公司得路上。(on the way to ……)中译英
Would you please call mom and dad(或其他家人)and let them know that I'm on my way to the company?
There's never been a setback in production since then.
I saw him inserting the key into the lock.
4.我建议你把钱存入银行。(mate a betosit)中译英
I suggest you making a deposit in bank. (多麻烦啊。直接说I suggest you depositing the money不就好了,口语一点,I think you should deposit the money。)
5.昨天王先生结帐离开了那家旅馆。(check out)中译英 Mr. Wang checked out of the hotel yesterday.
第3个回答  2006-03-10
1.Please call home, tell them I'm on the way to the company.

2.Science then, the produce was never a setback.

3.I saw him insert the key into the lock.

4.I recommend you make a depoisit in the bank.

5.Yesterday, Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel.