

An investigation and analysis of the present situation of sports equipment management in the universities of Langfang
Abstract: sports facilities is an important material basis for sports teaching in Colleges and universities, which plays a very important role in the sports equipment quality, performance and safety and other aspects of the situation of college sports teaching and sports training. In order to improve the efficiency of college physical education, this study used the literature method, survey method, field investigation method, mathematical statistics and so on, Langfang city college sports equipment management of related research, research thought:
The use of sports equipment in Colleges and universities in Langfang city was not high in the borrowing and returning equipment are mostly used to record notes, the leakage of Gordon, when climbing phenomenon, reduce the efficiency and accuracy of equipment; maintenance, maintenance is not perfect, and the equipment testing standards are mostly in the equipment administrator experience for testing standards; the equipment administrator older, equipment management implementation and management ability etc.. Through the above problems, formulate corresponding countermeasures: to improve Langfang city college sports equipment management system, strengthen the management and management ability, improve the sports equipment maintenance, improve equipment use efficiency and service life.
Key words: Langfang city; colleges and universities; sports equipment; management