听力短文an unusual shop的翻译

听力短文an unusual shop的翻译

我加强英语的方法就是看英文资料片,辅以英语学习软件 然后找一家英语学习中心帮我练口语,上网方便的话,建议去ABC天丅英语中心看下.好.咯 课程针对性强 进步快,有网络就能学英语 不妨做个轻松口语测试体验下吧 若有帮助记得评我最佳哦 ~Section Two A. Page 10 B. 1. (1) F () F . .; at least 0 pounds; .; pounds . (1) 00 pounds. () Only 10.1 pounds. C. 1) She is engaged. ) In the spring. ) Probably in St. Albans. ) Because that’s the place where her parents live. ) They are going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London and settle in. ) No, she is going to give up her present job but she may look for another one when she’s settled in the new pla...