我想要美剧复仇的台词 英文txt


When deception cuts this deep ,someone has to pay.

When everything you love has been stolen from you , somestimes all you have left is revenge.

Trust is a difficult thing ,whether it's finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing.But trusting your heart is the riskiest thing of all.In the end , the only person wo can truly trust is ourselves.

For the innocent ,the past may hold a reward.But for the treacherous , it's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve.

Are we true to ourselves or do we live for the expections of others and if we are open honest ,can we ever truly be loved.Can we find the courage to realse our deepest secrets or in the end ,are we all unknowable ever to ourselves.

Guilt is a powerful affliction.You can try to turn your back on it ,but that's when it sneaks up behind you and eats you alive.

Some people struggle to understand their own guilt ,unwilling or unable to justify the part they play in it.Others run away from their guilt , shedding their conscience until there's no conscience left at all.

Like life , revenge can be a messy business.And both would be much simpler if only our heads could figure out , which way our hearts will go.But the heart has its reasons ,of which reason cannot know.

Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.

Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold the true power.

We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world…Friendship we pretend, relationships we hide. But worst of all is that love we never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves.

Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while there maybe, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn’t really our choices that distinguish who we are. It’s our commitment to them.

For someone, commitment is like faith, a chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal. But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question how far am I willing to go.