


My mother is the most important person for me. Maybe she is very ordinary in others eyes, but she is special for me. She gives me life and a happy life. She takes part in every stage of my life. When I know nothing, she helps me to learn little by little patiently.

She helps me to learn stand up, walk, and form the proper value. She cares about me, and put my entire thing before hers. She is such an important person in my life.




第1个回答  2012-07-11
My father is the most important person to me because he has a great influence on me .My father is a worker but he is very strict in his work. So he set me a good example to me .He makes me know how important it is to be careful and serious with everything. He tells me to be honest to others and only in that way can I get the same from others.He likes reading and this has helped me a lot . He often reads me some interesting stories when I was young .All these have inflenced me a lot . So it is my father who has given me much encourage and influence on what i should do and how i should do it . So he is the most important person in my life.本回答被网友采纳