

我有一个幸福的家庭,家庭中有欢乐、有烦恼、也有痛苦,但我们相互安慰、相互体谅。就这样,我们构成了五彩交织的生活。 我的家庭中有四个人:我、爸爸、妈妈和年迈的奶奶。我们的家庭像一张桌子,桌子永远离不开桌脚,是个整体连在一起。 在家中,是爸爸和妈妈撑起了这片蔚蓝的天空。他们从早忙到晚劳动,也从不叫苦,遇到困难总是努力一起想办法,从不相互埋怨,给我的是甜蜜的幸福。他们像一把伞,把我紧紧的呵护在他们的怀里,让我健康地成长;他们又像一颗大树,帮我挡住风沙雨雪,把春的生机带给我;他们又像是电灯,把光明带给我。不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,他们总是那么坚强。在他们眼中,我始终是颗小树苗,总是需要爱的呵护。在家中,还有一位热情善良的奶奶,只要人家有困难,她总是毫不犹豫去帮助他们。 虽然我们生活在农村,祖辈也没有任何家产留下,但是靠爸爸妈妈的艰苦创业,白手起家,也造起三层楼房,房子还装修得很漂亮。最关键的是妈妈在爸爸最困难的时候嫁给爸爸并且毫无怨言,对奶奶一直也很孝敬。 中国有句古话:家和万事兴。我家就是家庭和睦、团结互助,才会有这样的美好生活。 我相信我们全家人会更加珍惜这样和睦的家庭。
第1个回答  2013-10-14
 The Harmful Effect of Reference Books(参考书泛滥成灾)
Nowadays reference books have become a problem of great concern for both teachers and students. For example, there are more than ten kinds of reference books available to users of College English. A smarter use of these books is certainly beneficial, but the misuse and overuse of them may cause a tot of problems. http://www.t262.com/
To begin with, they make the students tess attentive in class. Armed with reference books, many students may think that they know what the teacher is going to talk about. So they may not listen to the teacher in class at all. And they may not have the chance to listen or speak English. As a result, they will neither speak nor understand when they are spoken to. Secondly, some reference books are so filled with mistakes that students may be confused as to the correct term or answer. Third[y, by merely referring to the reference books, the students may be deprived of the ability to work out the solution to the problems themselves. Finally, faced with so many kinds of reference books, the students may feel at a loss which to buy.
I, therefore, suggest that students neither overuse nor misuse the reference books. I also suggest that publishing houses make concerted efforts to publish fewer but better reference books. If both the students and the publishing houses adopt the right attitude toward reference books, they will both benefit a lot from them.
第2个回答  2013-10-14
 一会儿,爸爸就觉得没有什么意思了。“要是我马上肚子疼,家里没有药,你会不会给我去买?”爸爸盯着妈妈,期待着妈妈的回答。“我才不去呢!”妈妈扬着头,显得很高傲。   爸爸十分伤心,说“没想到我这么可怜…”“烦不烦人啊!四川台该演好节目了,你别捣乱。”妈妈说完,关上了话匣子。  爸爸也不吭声了。  过了一会儿,电视演上了妈妈最爱看的《家有儿女》,妈妈高兴极了,便“哇”地叫了一声。爸爸听了,好像接到了命令似的躺在床上,“哎呦,哎呦!”地叫了起来。  只见爸爸捂着肚子,皱着眉毛,很痛苦地说:“疼死我了,快给我倒一口水,快疼死我了!”妈妈赶紧走过去说:“这肚子说疼就疼起来了,是真疼吗?要是真疼就去医院看看。”爸爸没说什么,使劲地点了两下头。  妈妈麻利地穿上外衣,对我说:“我送你爸爸去医院,你自己在家看电视。”说着就去扶爸爸下床。  这时爸爸怪声怪气地www.zuowenBen.coM说:“实验证明,你还是关心我的。”说完,笑着挺直了腰。  妈妈生气地说:“你敢耍我。”  爸爸学着妈妈的样子:“你敢耍我?”  妈妈一听,“扑哧”一声笑了。  我和爸爸也笑了。笑声传得很远,很远……
第3个回答  2013-10-14