

1 miss有想念的意思 如 i miss you so much. 我很想念你。
2 think of 有记起 想起,考虑 关心的意思,如, Think of it like this,不妨这样想一想。 How do you think of your English? 你认为你的英语水平如何?Think of your family , how well would those relationships work without trust 想想你的家庭,如果没有信任如何维系家庭关系呢?
When we tend to think of Maoridom ,we tend to think of the early church,当人们说到毛利社会是,我们会想到教会
3 long to see again 想念,如 Because on seeing beautiful dream that bed, think only of good slept ,have long time no see to again come backed.因为一见到床,就想好好睡一觉了,久违的美梦又回来了,
第1个回答  2014-01-01
一般用miss ,think of或yearn也有这个意思。