
1 I did ------I could --------the child.
A what.... to calm B all ....calm C all what....to calm D what...calm
选a 问题是could是情态动词,应接do,对答案有疑问
2 Is this factory ------our friends visited yesterday?
A where B that C which D the one
答案d 此句是定语从句,对答案有疑惑
3 There's no air------water on the moon.
A that B and C but D or
答案d 对答案有疑问,应选B大伙看看是不是答案错了
4 Alice was waiting for the bus ------she noticed a thieft running out of a shop.
A when B while C after D as soon as
答案a 为什么不选b ,while是连接同时进行的句子

1 I did ___ I could ____ the child.
A what.... to calm B all ....calm C all what....to calm D what...calm
选a 问题是could是情态动词,应接do,对答案有疑问
本句中有省略。不省略是:I did what I could (do) to calm the child. 省略的原因是主句中出现过动词did,所以从句中的这个do可以省略。不定式to calm the child=in order to calm the child,是作目的状语的。可以放在句首:(In order) To calm the child, I did what I could.
此题还考查了定语从句,What引导的名词性从句常可改成the+名词+that-定语从句:the things that I could do , 我所能做的事。
all 是代词,后跟定语从句需要用关系代that来引导,如果that在从句中作宾语则可以省略。
all (that) I could do. 我所能做的一切(事),语气比what I could do 要强。
记往:引导定语从句的关系代词中没有what! what 是引导名词性从句的。
结是所说,第二空填to calm,排除 BD。all 后用that或省略that,排除C
The doctor did what (/all) he could to save the girl's life.
第1个回答  2011-08-07
第一个问题could之所以后面接to ,是因为could跟前面的i did what i could,to是连接后面的动词。
第二个问题只有the one 合适
第三个问题when连接notice,如果是she was seeing a thief ......就用while追问


第2个回答  2011-08-07
1. 首先 在定从里 what=all that(=all 当that做关系代词 修饰宾语可省略)所以排除c
句意啊 我可以做所有我能做的去使内阁孩子冷静下来 后半句 to do 不定式表目的
你的疑问 could + do do是及物动词 要+宾语的 更应该用what了

2.第二题 是常见题型了
本疑问句还原为陈述句 this factory is______our friends visited yesterday.
在定语从句中缺少主语 用the one补充
注意 区别于 Is this the factory ------our friends visited yesterday?
还原是 this is the factory。。。。定从不缺成分

3.应该是 no 否定句 所以and要变为or

4.when有种用法 某人在做某事同时发生某事
while多用于 主从句前后都是进行时 而notice是瞬间动词 无进行时追问


第3个回答  2011-08-07
larmesrisse 的回答很正确完整,不再啰嗦。