请帮我翻译一下下面一段话,谢谢 我即将毕业于德国XX大学金融专业硕士学位,我已经获得了德国XX大学的经济



I am going to graduate with a master's degree in finance from XX university, Germany, I have already obtained the bachelor's degree in economics from XX university of Germany. In the past three years, I well mastered the major knowledge of economics, meanwhile having myself practised during interning and social practice. Now, with my graduation before eyes, I want to better practise myself in real work.
I have mastered several languages including English and German between wich I can translate freely. I also took Japanese as my optional course during university.

Thank you
第1个回答  2011-09-06
i've got the Bachelor Degree of Economics from XX university of Germany, and now i'm about to get the Master's Degree of Financial from the same university. In the past three years , i've mastery learned the professional knowledge of economics as well as excercised myself in social practice. At present , in the face of graduation, i want to practice myself in a better area of practice field.
i'm a master of several languages of different countries. i'm on top of English and German, and the translation of these two languages. Japanese is my optional course during college.
第2个回答  2011-09-06
Holding a Bachelor's degree in economy from XX University of Germany, now I am going to graduate from the same university and get a master degree in finance. In the past three years, I learned my major of economics very well, and also trained myself in internships and social practices. Now, the date of graduation is approaching, I want to train myself better in practical area.
I'm capable of several languages of different countries, and I'm a master of the translation between English and German. Meanwhile, I chose Japanese as my optional course in college.
第3个回答  2011-09-06
