
A 嗨,好久不见,最近好吗?欢迎来来到我们学校。
B 我们 很好。我们找了好久才好到你们学校。

hi,long time no see,how are you doing?welcome to our school
we're good.it cost a lot of time for us to find your school
you must be tired after that long journey,let me arrange the hotel for you to stay
第1个回答  2011-12-20
A 嗨,好久不见,最近好吗?欢迎来来到我们学校。
Hello, it has been a long time since we met. How are you? Welcome to our school.

B 我们 很好。我们找了好久才好到你们学校。
We are doing fine. We have looked very long for your school to find it.

Your trip must be tiring, let me arrange a hotel for you to stay.
第2个回答  2011-12-20
A: Hi! Long time no see, what's up? Welcome to our school.
B: We're fine.It took us a long time to find your school.
A: How does the journey feel? Let me find a hotel for you to stay first.
第3个回答  2011-12-20
A: hi, long time no see, how are you? welcome to our school
B: we are fine. It took us a while to find your school.
A: it had been a long trip, let me get you guys settle in first.
第4个回答  2011-12-20
A:Hi, it has been a long time since we metlast time. How are you? Welcome to our school.
B:We're fine.It took us a while to find your school.
A:it must be a long trip, let me arrange a hotel for you to stay first.
第5个回答  2011-12-20
A Hi, long time no see, how are you recently? Welcome to come to our school
B We are very good. We for a long time just good to your school.
A The journey is hard right, first arranged for you to stay with them, the hotel