

第1个回答  2011-12-27
I feel it pretty difficult for me to anwser your question.for reason that the question is a little grand in meaning(and how is the specific situation with your child) ,also I am thinking the true meaning (significance)of learning.just read and recite(root) the text books?or do lots of titles to win in college entrance examination?maybe there is always another way.oh,but maybe it's too difficult in modern chinese society,in that kind of situation.so with this said,am I wasting my time and your energy?well,maybe.alright.let's get down to the former topic.
you know,it's very important to form a good habit in the childhood(I hope your child is young enough).if not,it's not serious.
first,morality is the most important thing.no exaggerating ,I'm just tell it like it is.it's not as easy as the words"to be a good person".I mean-----responsibility.got it?if your dear relize his or her own duty,it's pretty easy and common to see heor she is learning,shouldering the responsibility he or she deserves.and love,also important.(to know how to love is the basis of being a true man)
then,everything will go smoothly.(but it is a burdensome task)
1,reading is the first learning skill.in china,people just think that to know how to read is to understand the meaning of every word,completely wrong!in finland,nearly every student master the skill to read rapidly and efficiently well,and they love reading inside.as for the jews,all of us will feel embrassed to know how many books they read every month.(there is already lots of effective methods taught in china)
第2个回答  2011-12-27
I feel it pretty difficult for me to anwser your question.for reason that the question is a little grand in meaning(and how is the specific situation with your child) ,also I am thinking the true meaning (significance)of learning.just read and recite(root) the text books?or do lots of titles to win in college entrance examination?maybe there is always another way.oh,but maybe it's too difficult in modern chinese society,in that kind of situation.so with this said,am I wasting my time and your energy?well,maybe.alright.let's get down to the former topic.
you know,it's very important to form a good habit in the childhood(I hope your child is young enough).if not,it's not serious.
first,morality is the most important thing.no exaggerating ,I'm just tell it like it is.it's not as easy as the words"to be a good person".I mean-----responsibility.got it?if your dear relize his or her own duty,it's pretty easy and common to see heor she is learning,shouldering the responsibility he or she deserves.and love,also important.(to know how to love is the basis of being a true man)
then,everything will go smoothly.(but it is a burdensome task)
1,reading is the first learning skill.in china,people just think that to know how to read is to understand the meaning of every word,completely wrong!in finland,nearly every student master the skill to read rapidly and efficiently well,and they love reading inside.as for the jews,all of us will feel embrassed to know how many books they read every month.(there is already lots of effective methods taught in china)
2,find the real interest(as a freshman in uni,I didn't find the real interest of my own,sorry to tell you that I can't you further on this)
3,learn to schdule his or her time(no need to speak more,it's his or her own matter,he or she must learn by self)prepare before the class,take notes properly in class,organise the notes,do some exercise and conclude
4,as well as the good living habit.
第3个回答  2011-12-28