
1.            Let us compare a housewife who takes care of the house and does the cooking, with a maid who is paid for doing the exactly the same work.2.            I thought the memory of the hour I came down that glen a bridegroom would be less fascinating than the anticipation that I was soon, in a few months, or, possibly, weeks, to be carried up and laid in its lovely hollow!If we are right in regarding as a daydream the story made by him, there is no further need to apologize for rejecting it.3.            Sentimentality always implies some disproportion between an emotion and its cause. It is not suggested, for example, that the emotion of love in itself sentimental; it only becomes sentimental when object is unworthy of the kind and degree of love lavished upon it, as in the case of the English love of animals.4.            But he justifies the exclusion of a treatment of these emotional factors on the ground that they represent divergencies from his main purposes of showing the transmission of certain main features of cultural history, in this case animism. 1.            Her tired body told her that it was ready to sleep.2.            His addition completed the list.3.            Did the world justify the action?4.            Eliza Jumel was born Bowen fifty-eight years ago.5.            Princess Magaret has always had a problem with bad publicity.6.            To worry about the presidency as an institution belies the special historical situation of the Watergate scandals.7.            Not too much can or should be read into the percentage.8.            Lucy married a rich old man named Rutherfurd in 1920 and next year polio crippled Franklin.9.             Blood spilled on both sides.10.    His action was prompted by the fear of being attacked.11.    The delight of the children at the sight of some dish on the table showed that it was a scarcity.12.    The most serious view was naturally taken of the Japanese strength. It was important that this should not be exaggerated.

第1个回答  2011-11-19
让我们比家庭主妇谁照管房子,做饭,有一个使女支付做相同的work.2。我认为记忆的时间我来到,格伦新郎会少些迷人,我比预期在不久的将来,几个月后,或可能是几周,向上提,放在空心的可爱!如果我们认为是正确的白日梦故事藉着他造的,没有进一步需要道歉it.3拒绝。多愁善感的话意味着一种情感,而一些参差之间其原因。我并不建议,例如,情感的爱情本身伤感的,它只变得多愁善感不配当对象的种类和程度的爱挥霍在其上,如在英语的情况下animals.4的爱。但他理应排除治疗上的这些情感因素在地上,他们代表从他的主要目的divergencies显示传输的某些主要特点的文化历史,在这种情况下animism。1。她疲惫的身体告诉她,这是准备sleep.2。他完成了list.3之外。做世界证明行动? 4。伊莉莎Jumel出生鲍文ago.5 58岁。公主Magaret一直有一个坏publicity.6问题。总统担心掩盖了这样一个机构的特殊的历史环境的scandals.7水门事件。没有太多可以或应该读到percentage.8。露西娶了一个非常有钱的老人名叫Rutherfurd在1920年和年Franklin.9明年瘫痪小儿麻痹症。血泼在两sides.10。他的行动是受attacked.11怕被。孩子们高兴的看到一些盘子放在桌子上表明,这是一个scarcity.12。最严重的观点是日本拍摄的自然力量。这很重要,不应该被夸大了。
第2个回答  2011-11-19