
1、 泉州迎农运 泉酒迎贵宾

2、 喜迎新春,好礼在泉酒

3、 新品推荐——淮扬菜
淮扬菜,始于春秋,兴于隋唐,盛于明清,素有“东南第一佳味,天下之至美”之美誉。在鱼米之乡,富饶的物产与崇尚厨艺的社会风气,造就了淮扬菜细腻刀工、精湛火候、清鲜浓淳、南北皆宜等特色,让爱吃的隋炀帝给了“东南佳味”的美誉。 泉州酒店为满足更多客人的口味,于2008年冬季隆重推出“淮扬美食”,欢迎品尝!咨询电话:22289958。

4、 又是一年美好的开始,又是一段幸福的时光,又一次真诚的祝福您:牛年吉祥,大展宏图。值此新春到来之际,“泉州酒店”携手“九牧王”,让贵宾会所的成员再享好礼,一年更比一年高。
(1) 尊贵的您可在指定专卖店享受正价商品7折优惠(不与其它优惠活动同时使用);
(2) 凡是您所购买的九牧王产品亦可在指定专卖店享受免费裁裤边、熨烫衣服的服务。

1, Quanzhou Ying Ying farmers Liquor VIP
October 26, Quanzhou City ushered in the sixth National Peasant Games. Quanzhou areas throughout the Great jubilation, the city people's spirits. Peasant reception as the meeting's main venue - Quanzhou hotels, shows the first five-star hotel in Quanzhou attitude to quality service and full of enthusiasm, successful reception of the Peasant's important guests, by the General Assembly affirmation and praise.

2, to greet the Spring Festival, ethical Zaiquan wine
The annual Lunar New Year just around the corner, I believe you have felt a deep sense of festive atmosphere really allows you to the traditional busy holiday travel. Range of Chinese New Year New Year, perhaps let you have no choice; numerous trivial kitchen work, perhaps let you chew. What does waiting for? Quanzhou hotel fu box to greet New Year: "大吉大利", "Golden Pig献瑞", "every year more than" cream of the crop of goods, original packaging, that you honor your father and mother, the best choice for gifts to friends and relatives.
大吉大利box: containing the whole suckling pig, rice cakes, whole fish, whole chicken, duck, fried vinegar, meat, fried ribs, Spiced Volume eel lees,猪肚, pig heart,蹄膀. Price of 2288 yuan / copies.
Golden Pig献瑞Gift: Whole suckling pig. Price: 658 yuan / copies.
Rise higher and higher box: rice cakes. Price: 98 yuan / copies.
Discount: one-time purchase of 5 more than 10 customers were given the following九五折concessions, one-time purchase of 10 or more customers to give preferential九折.
Welcomed the reservations, booking Tel: 22288608.

3, New Products - Huaiyang
Huaiyang, began in the Spring and Autumn Period, Xing in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Ming and Qing Sheng in, known as "the first good taste of South East, the world matter to the United States" and reputation. In the land of plenty, rich cuisine bussan and advocating social trends, has created a knife Huaiyang delicate, exquisite heat, strong sun, refreshing, and other characteristics of the North and the South-Safe, so that favorite Emperor to the "southeast of good taste" the world. Quanzhou hotel to meet the tastes of the guests more in winter 2008 grand launch of "Huaiyang cuisine," Enjoy! Advisory Tel: 22289958.

4, it is a good start a year and is a happy time, and again a sincere blessing you: auspicious Year of the Ox, ambitious exhibition. On the occasion of the Lunar New Year is approaching, "Quanzhou hotel" hand in hand "Nine Good King", so that members of the VIP club and then enjoy the gift, one year more than a year high.
In this Yanhong Purple Cha-for-year-old at the time, Stephen Wine Club VIP invite you into animal husbandry Wang nine stores during the Year of the Ox:
(1) distinguished in the designated stores you can enjoy the full-price merchandise discounts 7 (not with other special offers at the same time);
(2) All you have to buy nine products, animal husbandry, Wang can also enjoy free stores in the designated side of the CD trousers, ironing services.
A bright future, and you win!
第1个回答  2009-01-14
1, Quanzhou Ying Ying farmers Liquor VIP
October 26, Quanzhou City ushered in the sixth National Peasant Games. Quanzhou areas throughout the Great jubilation, the city people's spirits. Peasant reception as the meeting's main venue - Quanzhou hotels, shows the first five-star hotel in Quanzhou attitude to quality service and full of enthusiasm, successful reception of the Peasant's important guests, by the General Assembly affirmation and praise.

2, to greet the Spring Festival, ethical Zaiquan wine
The annual Lunar New Year just around the corner, I believe you have felt a deep sense of festive atmosphere really allows you to the traditional busy holiday travel. Range of Chinese New Year New Year, perhaps let you have no choice; numerous trivial kitchen work, perhaps let you chew. What does waiting for? Quanzhou hotel fu box to greet New Year: "Golden Pig", "every year more than" cream of the crop of goods, original packaging, that you honor your father and mother, the best choice for gifts to friends and relatives.
box: containing the whole suckling pig, rice cakes, whole fish, whole chicken, duck, fried vinegar, meat, fried ribs, Spiced Volume eel lees, pig heart. Price of 2288 yuan / copies.
Golden PigGift: Whole suckling pig. Price: 658 yuan / copies.
Rise higher and higher box: rice cakes. Price: 98 yuan / copies.
Discount: one-time purchase of 5 more than 10 customers were given the followingconcessions, one-time purchase of 10 or more customers to give preferential.
Welcomed the reservations, booking Tel: 22288608.

3, New Products - Huaiyang
Huaiyang, began in the Spring and Autumn Period, Xing in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Ming and Qing Sheng in, known as "the first good taste of South East, the world matter to the United States" and reputation. In the land of plenty, rich cuisine bussan and advocating social trends, has created a knife Huaiyang delicate, exquisite heat, strong sun, refreshing, and other characteristics of the North and the South-Safe, so that favorite Emperor to the "southeast of good taste" the world. Quanzhou hotel to meet the tastes of the guests more in winter 2008 grand launch of "Huaiyang cuisine," Enjoy! Advisory Tel: 22289958.

4, it is a good start a year and is a happy time, and again a sincere blessing you: auspicious Year of the Ox, ambitious exhibition. On the occasion of the Lunar New Year is approaching, "Quanzhou hotel" hand in hand "Nine Good King", so that members of the VIP club and then enjoy the gift, one year more than a year high.
In this Yanhong Purple Cha-for-year-old at the time, Stephen Wine Club VIP invite you into animal husbandry Wang nine stores during the Year of the Ox:
(1) distinguished in the designated stores you can enjoy the full-price merchandise discounts 7 (not with other special offers at the same time);
(2) All you have to buy nine products, animal husbandry, Wang can also enjoy free stores in the designated side of the CD trousers, ironing services.
A bright future, and you win!


第2个回答  2009-01-23
楼上的有两种可能,1.韩国人 2.金山词霸翻译的。
第3个回答  2009-01-13
第4个回答  2009-01-13