
今天,我要为大家介绍一个传奇的韩国团队,他们也是我心爱的男人。一支亚洲超人气的顶尖组合,一支由13个美男子组成的----super junior。






Today, I want to introduce a legendary South Korean team, they are also my beloved man. 一支亚洲超人气的顶尖组合,一支由13个美男子组成的----super junior。 One of Asia's top ultra-popular combination of a good-looking man of 13 consisting of ---- super junior. 这支组合的成员有坚强勇敢、一直默默奉献的队长李特;妖艳无比的火星公主希澈;队中唯一的中国人,善良、坚强的韩庚;有着天籁之声的幽默种子艺声;舞技顶尖却毫无城府的RAP恩赫;外刚内柔、心思细腻的强仁;可爱正义的甜南瓜晟敏;帅气的绅士始源;幽默搞笑,身体灵活的神童;坚强孝顺,喜欢叫歌迷“亲爱的宝贝们”的东海;温柔细腻、厨艺一流、声音穿透力极强的厉旭;阳光帅气的微笑少年基范;成熟稳重、酷似领导的游戏王圭贤。 Zhezhi members have a strong combination of courage and dedication have been the captain quietly Ritter; glamorous incomparable Princess of Mars Heechul; Team, the only Chinese people, good, strong Han Geng; with the sound of Heaven humor art sound seeds; dance Technology Top of the RAP is no Ayutthaya Nambaryn; just inside the outer soft, attentive strong-jen; lovely pumpkin, sweet justice, Sungmin; handsome gentleman origin; humor, funny, physical and flexible child prodigy; strong filial piety, who likes to chant fans "Dear of the kids" in the East China Sea; gentle and delicate, cooking class, the sound penetration strong Ryeowook; sunny smile handsome young Motonori; mature and more stable, the game resembles the leadership of Wang-Xian. 或许你们会觉得,我们是疯子。 Perhaps you will feel that we are crazy. 但其实,我们并不是长辈眼中所认为的疯狂的“追星族”,SJ这个团队真的让我学会了很多很多,他们并不只是徒有虚表的美男子。 But in fact, we are not in the eyes of the elders thought crazy "groupies", SJ this team really made me learn a lot, they do not have virtual tables are merely good-looking man. 他们坚强、勇敢、孝顺、体贴......那一颗为了家人的期盼,为了自己的梦想而坚持的心,出动了我们全体ELF的灵魂。 They are strong, brave, dutiful, thoughtful ...... it was an order to the family's expectations, in order to adhere to their own dreams and heart, sent out the soul of all of us ELF. 你们知道他们出道以来的经历吗? You know their debut since the experience? 那样的神奇,那样的感人心扉,让人不得不爱上这个团体。 That kind of magic, that kind of touching hearts, people have to fall in love with this group. 他们真的是从天堂坠落到人间的天使,失去了双翼,却仍拥有一颗圣洁的心。 They really fall from heaven to the earth angel, lost wings, still have a holy heart. 我们约定,要一起走到永远,知道宝蓝色覆盖了全世界。 We have agreed to walk out together forever, knowing a navy blue cover the whole world. 告诉你们一个秘密,一个天大的秘密。 To tell you a secret, a big secret. henry是我心中最美的男子,我非他不嫁。 henry is the most beautiful man in my mind, I am non-that he did not marry. 注:因为是要演讲的,所以力求正确,抵制翻译机器。 Note: because it is to lecture, so as accurately as possible to resist the translation of the machine. 名字不用翻。 Names do not turn.
第1个回答  2010-01-02
Today, I want to introduce a legendary South Korean team, they are also my beloved man. One of Asia's top ultra-popular combination of a good-looking man of 13 consisting of ---- super junior.

Zhezhi members have a strong combination of courage and dedication have been the captain quietly Ritter; glamorous incomparable Princess of Mars Heechul; Team, the only Chinese people, good, strong Han Geng; with the sound of Heaven humor art sound seeds; dance Technology Top of the RAP is no Ayutthaya Nambaryn; just inside the outer soft, attentive strong-jen; lovely pumpkin, sweet justice, Sungmin; handsome gentleman origin; humor, funny, physical and flexible child prodigy; strong filial piety, who likes to chant fans "Dear of the kids" in the East China Sea; gentle and delicate, cooking class, the sound penetration strong Ryeowook; sunny smile handsome young Motonori; mature and more stable, the game resembles the leadership of Wang-Xian.

Perhaps you will feel that we are crazy. But in fact, we are not in the eyes of the elders thought crazy "groupies", SJ this team really made me learn a lot, they do not have virtual tables are merely good-looking man. They are strong, brave, dutiful, thoughtful ...... it was an order to the family's expectations, in order to adhere to their own dreams and heart, sent out the soul of all of us ELF. You know their debut since the experience? That kind of magic, that kind of touching hearts, people have to fall in love with this group.

They really fall from heaven to the earth angel, lost wings, still have a holy heart. We have agreed to walk out together forever, knowing a navy blue cover the whole world.

To tell you a secret, a big secret. henry is the most beautiful man in my mind, I am non-that he did not marry.
第2个回答  2010-01-09
Today, I want to introduce a legendary South Korean team, they are also my beloved man. One of Asia's top ultra-popular combination of a good-looking man of 13 consisting of ---- super junior.

Zhezhi members have a strong combination of courage and dedication have been the captain quietly Ritter; glamorous incomparable Princess of Mars Heechul; Team, the only Chinese people, good, strong Han Geng; with the sound of Heaven humor art sound seeds; dance Technology Top of the RAP is no Ayutthaya Nambaryn; just inside the outer soft, attentive strong-jen; lovely pumpkin, sweet justice, Sungmin; handsome gentleman origin; humor, funny, body
第3个回答  2009-12-26
Today, I want to introduce a legendary South Korean team, they are also my beloved man. One of Asia's top ultra-popular combination of a good-looking man of 13 consisting of ---- super junior.
Zhezhi members have a strong combination of courage and dedication have been the captain quietly Ritter; glamorous incomparable Princess of Mars Heechul; Team, the only Chinese people, good, strong Han Geng; with the sound of Heaven humor art sound seeds; dance Technology Top of the RAP is no Ayutthaya Nambaryn; just inside the outer soft, attentive strong-jen; lovely pumpkin, sweet justice, Sungmin; handsome gentleman origin; humor, funny, physical and flexible child prodigy; strong filial piety,
Fans like to call "Dear of the kids" in the East China Sea; gentle and delicate, cooking class, the sound penetration strong Ryeowook; sunny smile handsome young Motonori; mature and more stable, the game resembles the leadership of Wang-Xian.
Perhaps you will feel that we are crazy. But in fact, we are not in the eyes of the elders thought crazy "groupies", SJ this team really made me learn a lot, they do not have virtual tables are merely good-looking man. They are strong, brave, dutiful, thoughtful ...... it was an order to the family's expectations, in order to adhere to their own dreams and heart, sent out the soul of all of us ELF. You know their debut since the experience? That kind of magic, that kind of touching hearts, people have to fall in love with this group.
They really fall from heaven to the earth angel, lost wings, still have a holy heart. We have agreed to walk out together forever, knowing a navy blue cover the whole world.
To tell you a secret, a big secret. henry is the most beautiful man in my mind, I am non-that he did not marry.
第4个回答  2009-12-26
Today, I want to introduce a legendary South Korean team, they are also my beloved man. One of Asia's top ultra-popular combination of a good-looking man of 13 consisting of ---- super junior.

Zhezhi members have a strong combination of courage and dedication have been the captain quietly Ritter; glamorous incomparable Princess of Mars Heechul; Team, the only Chinese people, good, strong Han Geng; with the sound of Heaven humor art sound seeds; dance Technology Top of the RAP is no Ayutthaya Nambaryn; just inside the outer soft, attentive strong-jen; lovely pumpkin, sweet justice, Sungmin; handsome gentleman origin; humor, funny, body
第5个回答  2009-12-26
Today, I want to introduce a legend of the south Korean team, they are my favorite man. A combination of Asian superman, a top by 13 lady- super junior.

The group members have strong and courageous, always offer silently captain li: The princess and enchanting matchless Mars sank, The Chinese team, good, strong hankyung was some kinda pro, A sound of humor seed art sound, Because of the top without shrewd RAP well Hector, The soft, delicate mind just inside the kernel, Lovely justice sweet pumpkin sheng sensitivity, Handsome gentleman attribute, Humour funny, flexible prodigy, Strong filial piety, like that fans "dear baby" in the east China sea, Gentle voice, fine, cooking class LiXu of penetrating, The yankees fan smiles young, Mature, resembling the game WangGuiXian leadership.

Perhaps you would think that we are mad. But the fact that we are not that crazy eyes of elder "fans" SJ, this team really let me learn a lot, they not only have a short of virtual table. Their strong and brave, filial piety, considerate... The family of a star, in order to look for his dream and adhere to the heart, E.L.F us all out of the soul. You know they introduction of experience? That's amazing, touching, let a person have to heart in this group.

They really fall from heaven, and the angels to lose its wings, but still have a heart of holiness. We agreed to go together forever, know sapphire blue covered the whole world.

Tell you a secret, a big secret. Henry is in my heart, I am not the best men don't marry him.