

1. The term "American Dream" encapsulates the popular ethos of democracy, equality, and freedom that has long been associated with the United States. It is often interpreted as a societal ideal that emphasizes equal opportunity for material prosperity and upward mobility.
2. The "American Dream" represents the essence of the American way of life and culture, or society. It is a belief deeply ingrained in the national psyche, asserting that hard work, intelligence, and perseverance can lead to significant social and economic advancement. Notable self-made billionaires like洛克菲勒 and Andrew Carnegie exemplify this ideal, as do the rags-to-riches characters in the works of Horatio Alger, whose narratives have become synonymous with the "American Dream."
3. The phrase "American Dream" was first coined by historian James Truslow Adams in his book "Epic of America," where he described it as the "dream of a land where life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement." This vision is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which guarantees life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as inalienable rights.
4. The "American Dream" is a concept that took shape as early as the 17th century when Puritan settlers left Europe for the Americas, seeking religious freedom and a fresh start. The period from 1865 to 1900 saw a golden age of industrialization and entrepreneurship that allowed many to achieve great wealth and social status, further embedding the dream in American society.
5. Over time, the "American Dream" has evolved. Some argue that it has become synonymous with material wealth, with people working longer hours to acquire bigger cars, nicer homes, and greater prosperity, often at the expense of personal enjoyment. Others suggest that the dream is unattainable for those who must work two jobs to make ends meet. Yet, there is a growing segment of society that seeks a new version of the dream, one that values a simpler, more fulfilling life over material gain.