

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, one of China's traditional holidays.
Early this morning, my mother rose and went to the market, returning with leaves, meat, dates, and glutinous rice. Upon arriving home, she first soaked the leaves in boiling water. Then, she added the dates, meat, and glutinous rice to a pot, seasoned it with soy sauce, and mixed everything thoroughly to prepare the filling. With the preliminaries done, she began the task of making zongzi.
I watched as she carefully picked up a few leaves, shaping them into a cone-like form. She placed a portion of the filling inside and wrapped it securely with another leaf, tying it off with a string. In this manner, a zongzi was completed. I then tried to follow her example and make my own.
Once the zongzi were wrapped, my mother promptly placed them in a pot to be boiled. Before long, the zongzi were ready. My mother picked up one, removed the leaf, and I watched as she took a careful bite. Seeing the satisfaction on her face, I too smiled, having successfully contributed to the festival.
On this day, not only do we enjoy eating zongzi, but we also engage in dragon boat races. These are the customs and traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that these activities are all in honor of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.
I feel fortunate to have had such a joyful Dragon Boat Festival today.