Dear passengers, XXX stop arrived, Please take your parcels carefully and pay attention to the gap when you get off. Next stop is XXX. Thanks for your attention.
1 列车即将到站,请小心列车与站台之间的空隙。本次列车开往xxx
The train is arriving. Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. This train stops service at xxx station.
2 请照顾好您的小孩,保管好随身携带的行李物品。谢谢配合!
Please take care of your children and belongings. Thank you!
3 换乘车站,乘客较多,请提前做好下车准备。
Please be ready to exit as the platform is very busy.
4 为了您的安全,请携带大件行李的乘客使用升降电梯。谢谢配合!
For safety reasons, please use our lift if you have a baggage for bulky items. Thank you for your cooperation.
5 为了您的安全,在候车的时候请勿倚靠安全门。
For your safety, please stand back from the platform screen doors.
6. 请到站台中间位置等候,那里比较容易上车。谢谢合作!* l- ^1 r, @ a7 R0 r* q
Please move along the platform to of the middle of the train for easier boarding. Thank you!
7 当您使用自动扶梯时,请站稳,扶好;请勿奔跑逆行!
When using the escalators, stands firm, holds the handrail. Please don't run or walk in the wrong direction. Thank you!
8 为了保持良好的乘车环境,请勿在站内及车厢内吸烟,丢弃杂物,乘车时,请将座位让给有需要的人士。谢谢配合!
To keep a clean and healthy environment, please don't smoke or litter in trains and stations. Please offer your seats to anyone in need. Thank you for your cooperation!