
我的话太多了 我该怎么办
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Talking too much, what shoud I do?

When I was a child, I was introverted. All my surroundings always said, " This guy doesn't love to talk, he's introverted." After growing up, I found that language is used to communicate with other people, if we don't talk, how could people exchange their thoughts? I usually speak something out without thinking, which troubles others much. A "Good talker" is good or not? Sometimes I can't control my mouth, I can't stop myself when a conversation is started, I always regret for some useless I have said. -"He that talks much errs much." I have made the same mistake by several times. I always say too much, even some words shouldn't be spoken. How can I control my mouth and to be wordless?



第1个回答  2013-12-20
I'm tired of my too much talking.What should I do?
When I was young,I was always shy.so people usually said that I was not fond of talking and too shy,not talking half a day.After I grew up.I realized that languages are used to communicate with others.If I don't talk,how can I communicate with people?Sometimes I speak out without thinking twice,which makes others feel tired.Is talking much a good thing or not?Sometimes I can't control my mouth and when I start talking I can't stop,which leads to my feeling regret ------
too much talking causes mistakes.I have made the same mistake several times,because I said what I should not have said.What should I do to deal with it to control my mouth?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-12-20
What am I supposed to do? I am too talktive. my character was introvert when I was young.Poeple always judge me as a kid who talked less and was introvert.I found that language is designed to communicate when I grew up.People cannot communicate without talk.Sometimes, we just let out the words without a sencond thought, and that bothers others a lot. Is it a good habbit to be a good talker?
I sometimes can not control of my mouth, I could not even stop talking once I started. I even felt regret of my talkativeness,I have made several same mistakes. I just let out of some words which are not supposed to say. what should I do to talk less or to control of my mouth.?
第3个回答  2013-12-20
I talk to much. What should I do.
When I was little, I was a bit shy. Others always said that I was a reserved boy who wouldn't talk much,sometimes even keeping quite for a long period of time. Whwn grown older , I found that It is language that makes us communicated.If we don't talk, how could we express our feeling? However, I sometimes talk witnout thinking, which made others annoyed. Is talking too much a good habit?

恩 帮我翻译下一段吧。翻译的很好 语言精简易懂 那句话应该是As I have grown older吧?


其实想打When grown older, 着急了……

Although there is a saying, "Talking too much leads to losing too much", sometimes I really couldn't stop talking. I always felt regretful for talking a lot. I've made several similar mistakes consectively by saying something I shouldn't have said. What should I do to mind my tougue and talk less?


第4个回答  2013-12-20
I always talk too much, what should I do?
I was a introvert when I was a kid, people would always say "this kid does not like talking". When I grew up, I found that
