
Umbrella Corporation
Our Business is Life Itself

Umbrella Corporation “阳伞公司”
Our Business is Life Itself “我们经营的就是生命”
第1个回答  2011-05-11
Lovers in the long grass 绿草深处的情人
Look above them 向着头顶的天空看去
Only they can see只有他俩能看到
Where the clouds are going云朝着那个方向飞去
Only to discover只看见
Dust and sunlight灰尘和阳光
Ever make the sky so blue使天空更蓝

Afternoon is hazy 下午有些模糊
River flowing 河水奔流
All around the sounds 周围都是潺潺的水声
Moving closer to them 向他们靠近
Telling them the story 对着他们婉转诉说
Told by Flora 以花女神的名义
Dreams they never knew 告诉他们从未实现的梦想

Silver willows 银色的杨柳
Tears from Persia 来自波斯的眼泪
Those who come 那些远道而来
From a far-off island 从一个遥远的国度而来
Winter Chanterelle lies 冬天的蘑菇躺在
under cover 被厚厚的雪覆盖
Glory-of-the-sun in blue 太阳的荣耀被蓝色围抱

Some they know as passion 有些叫做激情
Some as freedom有些叫做自由
Some they know as love 有一些叫做爱
And the way it leaves them 以及它们赠与他俩的方式
Summer snowflake 夏天的雪花
For a season 对一个季节来说
When the sky above is blue 顶上的天空湛蓝湛蓝的
When the sky above is blue顶上的天空湛蓝湛蓝的

Lying in the long grass 躺在绿草深处
Close beside her 在她的怀里
Giving her the name 替他命名
Of the one the moon loves 那个被月亮爱上的女人
This will be the day she 这将属于她的一天
Will remember 将铭记于心的一天
When she knew his heart 她知道他心思的那天
Was 是...
Loving in the long grass 在绿草深处的爱情
Close beside her 在她怀里
Whispering of love 为爱呢喃
And the way it leaves them 以及爱赠与他俩的方式
Lying in the long grass 躺在绿草深处
In the sunlight 在阳光下
They believe it`s true love 他们相信这是真爱
And from all around them 包围他们的
Flora`s secret是花女神的秘密
Telling them of love 高速他们什么是爱
And the way it breathes以及花女神呼吸的方式
Looking up from eyes of 用紫色的双眸
They can see the sky 他们能看到天空
Is blue是湛蓝湛蓝的
Knowing that their love 也知道他们的爱
Is true是真的
dreams they never knew他们从未实现的梦想
And the sky above is blue 头顶上的天空,是湛蓝湛蓝的
第2个回答  2011-05-10
Umbrella Corporation
Our Business is Life Itself的意思是: