求翻译,既然我是提问翻译的 当然不要软件翻的!

1.Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person-not only changed, but changed for the better.

2.It keeps the person facing the wrong way-backward instead of forward.It wastes time.In the end,if you let it become a habit,it can become a real roadblock,an excuse for not trying any more.

3.It means he has decided to apply the lessons he has learned from his experience, however grim or painful it may have been. It means he's going to push aside the roadblock of regret, move forward, take action, resume living.

4.From now on we want you to look at words intently, to be inordinately curious about them and to examine them syllable by syllable, letter by letter.

5.And the more intimately we know the romance that lies within each word,the better understanding we will have of its meaning.

6.The data explosion fortifies those seeking excuses for inaction-another report to be read,another authority to be consulted.

7.In fact,there is a long and honorable history of procrastination to suggest that many ideas and decisions may well improve if postponed.

8.And yet the truth of what she said seemed less important than the glee with which she said it,her pride in the snake pit she'd come from,in its history,its scandals,its legacy of"good gossip".

9.Gossip is the unacknowledged poor relative of civilized conversation:Almost everyone does it but hardly anyone will admit to or defend it; and of these only the smallest and most shameless fraction will own up to enjoying it.

10.It maps our ties,reminds us of what sort of people we know and what manner of lives they lead,confirms our sense of who we are,how we live and where we have come from.

11.but that attitude toward money has of course changed excepting pocket money ,cash of any kind is now rarely used ;money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit, a bookkeeping-banking matter.


12 the principal function of today's wall is to separate possibly undesirable outside air from the controlled conditions of temperature and humidity which we have created inside.

财富暂时没有 都送光了!

1.Nothing in life is more exciting and rewarding than the sudden flash of insight that leaves you a changed person-not only changed, but changed for the better.

2.It keeps the person facing the wrong way-backward instead of forward.It wastes time.In the end,if you let it become a habit,it can become a real roadblock,an excuse for not trying any more.

3.It means he has decided to apply the lessons he has learned from his experience, however grim or painful it may have been. It means he's going to push aside the roadblock of regret, move forward, take action, resume living.

4.From now on we want you to look at words intently, to be inordinately curious about them and to examine them syllable by syllable, letter by letter.

5.And the more intimately we know the romance that lies within each word,the better understanding we will have of its meaning.

6.The data explosion fortifies those seeking excuses for inaction-another report to be read,another authority to be consulted.

7.In fact,there is a long and honorable history of procrastination to suggest that many ideas and decisions may well improve if postponed.

8.And yet the truth of what she said seemed less important than the glee with which she said it,her pride in the snake pit she'd come from,in its history,its scandals,its legacy of"good gossip".

9.Gossip is the unacknowledged poor relative of civilized conversation:Almost everyone does it but hardly anyone will admit to or defend it; and of these only the smallest and most shameless fraction will own up to enjoying it.

10.It maps our ties,reminds us of what sort of people we know and what manner of lives they lead,confirms our sense of who we are,how we live and where we have come from.

11.but that attitude toward money has of course changed excepting pocket money ,cash of any kind is now rarely used ;money as a tangible commodity has largely been replaced by credit, a bookkeeping-banking matter.

12 the principal function of today's wall is to separate possibly undesirable outside air from the controlled conditions of temperature and humidity which we have created inside.