

第1个回答  2010-05-12
Melamine wood laminate advantages:
1, is now mainly used for wood furniture is particle board, MDF, but they are not waterproof, only the moisture, in particular the use of the bathroom, so the consumer suffers, and melamine wood laminate waterproof, moisture-proof characteristics, just to make up for this flaw.
2, melamine multilayer nail holding power than wood particleboard, MDF is much in the use of furniture, once the particle board, MDF furniture somewhere bad, and difficult to repair, especially in office drawers broken, basically beyond repair, melamine wood laminate furniture once a part of joy, you can repair yourself immediately.
3, melamine wood multilayer, multilayer cheaper than using solid wood, and effort, if made with solid wood laminate cabinets, bathroom panel, to spend a lot of time painting, time-consuming, labor-intensive, especially through the wood multilayer wood laminate melamine than the cost of a double.
4, multilayer wood melamine, green reached the E1 standard, consumers ease of use, and now most of the furniture, MDF, particle board just to E2, or simply not have the environmental protection requirements, which are required for the present society incompatible with the situation of environmental protection.
5, melamine multilayer solid wood furniture made of high grade. Because like solid wood furniture, and particleboard, medium density fiberboard are recycled materials, furniture, made less and less choice for customers. The multilayer made of solid wood with a melamine furniture with personality, in line with market trends, seeking to satisfy consumer tastes.
第2个回答  2010-05-21
呵呵你问的是什么啊楼上给你弄了个英文翻译笑 死我了,就这说的12345都在那扯淡呢你别信。我是木工主修橱柜。一句话三聚氰胺环保的不结实,结实的不环保。明白告诉你国产扳材还没有废弃甲醛的使用。建议去弄点之名板材把。《吉林森工露水河》还不错的板。做橱柜可以选16厚衣柜可以用20厚的。我没做广告啊`本回答被提问者采纳