

回报父母用英语说:Give back to your parents。


1、有一天,当长大了,要回报父母无私的爱。One day,when we grow up,we should repay our parents for their unselfish love.

2、比尔·默茨和杰基·默茨夫妇的女儿们一心想要感谢和回报父母的养育之恩,对他们慷慨相邀。In a spirit of gratitude and giving back to the parents who raised them,Bill and Jackie Merz's daughters have extended a generous invitation.

3、我们是否可以说:作为一个国家,我们团结一致,让孩子们知道我们爱他们,教会他们用爱来回报父母?Can we claim,as a nation,that were all together there,letting them know that they are loved,and teaching them to love in return?

4、按说到我这个年纪应该是回报父母,尽尽孝,但我都没有做到这点,相反还给他们带来很多负面的伤痛。Normally arrives my this age to be supposedrepays the parents,is filial to the utmost,but I have not allachieved this spot,on the contrary also brings very many negativegrief to them.

5、因此,作为子女,无论多忙,我们都应该花时间与父母聊天,陪伴他们,因为他们曾经给了我们无私的爱,我们应当以同样的爱回报父母。However busy we may be,we should spend more time talking with themand accompanying them,because they once gave us so much selfless love that we should return them the same from the bottom of our heart.

6、只有用这种方法我可以回报我的父母。Only in this way can I reward my parents.
