
客人的评价,是衡量质量优劣的唯一标准。优质的服务,不仅要能满足宾客显现需求,更要能预见性地满足宾客的隐性需求。酒店必须在这方面锻炼自己的能力。 要学会发现和了解宾客的需求。有必要建立和完善宾客信息收集和分析系统,确保获得准确、可靠的信息,动态掌握宾客的需求,并不断满足宾客的需求。 在与客人接触的第一时间和第一次就把服务做好,能充分提高宾客的满意度。“宾客服务一键通”在酒店中的产生就是极好的例子。很多宾客都有这样的消费经历:下榻一家酒店,如果需要不同的服务,要从厚厚的《服务指南》找各营业区域的服务电话。新近开业的杭州开元名都大酒店客房中的电话就设置了“一键式”服务,宾客只要摁一个号,就能解决一切问题。提高服务质量是为了增加宾客所获得的价值,但服务需要成本;服务一次不到位造成的人或环节的成本浪费,必须重视。在酒店服务中,经常会提到补救措施。但补救措施的成本往往没人真正去关注,如果去做一项成本———收益分析,就会发现这一点。有效服务原则:能真正满足宾客需求并创造价值的服务,才是有效的服务。有效服务和无效服务的差别,在于感受、诚意、态度和人际关系技巧的处理。欧洲饭店更注重服务的有效性。如非常重视利用客史档案。客人入住过一次饭店后,第二次入住就不需重复登记。这样做的理由是:只有酒店记住客人,客人才能想起酒店。开元酒店的管理规范要求:集团旗下所有酒店实行中式做床服务,将毛毯改为棉被,将棉被平铺在床上,或将其折后放在床上。这样首先比西式铺床方便使用,“呆板规范,方便不足”的类似做法值得大力改革完善。差异化原则:百分之百满足宾客的需求,发挥自身特色。宾客是酒店关注的中心。客人的需求有共同的一面,规范服务能满足大多数客人的需求,并使服务质量达到较高的水准。每一位员工都必须掌握岗位说明书的每一个细节,并接受系统、持续的培训。客人的需求又有差异性,在规范服务的基础上,提供个性化服务,如金钥匙服务,才是优质服务;个性化服务是锦上添花,会给客人留下难忘的消费经历。开元酒店倡导“人人都是金钥匙”的服务理念,在客房里放上一张宾客个性化服务调查表,只要客人下榻一次,并填上个性需求,下次就会得到相同的服务。按规范程序来操作,按客人的意愿来服务,将会真正体现自身特色。主动服务原则:使客人得到真实的关怀和舒适是酒店的使命。对宾客来说,员工发自内心的服务才是最好的服务。优质服务不是简单的服务技巧和操作规范的艺术高低,而是基于企业深层文化底蕴的厚积薄发以及员工的自发行为。有了这种服务愿望,就会在服务中从尊重客人的角度出发对不同的客人采取不同的态度,说不同的话,提供个性服务。一名客房服务员在清扫客房,她的主要职责是把客房整理干净。但她发现客人有未干的衣物悬挂在卫生间里,会主动拿出去晒,同时也不忘记在房里放进留言卡,告诉客人相关情况,让客人安心。最后,她还会把衬衫熨平,补上纽扣,显然,这是主动的精细化服务。提高服务质量意识,要作为提升酒店品牌的重中之重。尤其要注重产品的细节。只有将饭店服务的三个黄金标准(凡是客人看到的必须是整洁美观的,凡是提供给客人使用的必须是安全有效的,凡是酒店员工见到客人都必须是热情礼貌的)真正做到了,做好了,且做出色了,才会塑造出卓越的酒店形象。

Guests of the evaluation is to measure the quality of the merits of the sole criterion. Quality service, not only to be able to meet the emerging needs of guests, but also predictability to meet the needs of hidden guests. Hotels in this area must exercise their abilities. We must learn how to discover and understand the needs of guests. The need to establish and improve the guests to collect information and analysis system to ensure accurate and reliable information, to master the dynamic needs of guests, and we will continue to meet the needs of guests. In the first contact with the guests and services for the first time they do a good job, be able to raise the full satisfaction of guests. "Push-to-talk services to guests" at the hotel in the production is an excellent example. Many guests have experienced this kind of consumption: a stay at the hotel, if need different services, from the thick "Guide" to find the area of business telephone services. The recently opened in Hangzhou New Century Hotel rooms in the telephone set on a "one-click" services, as long as the guests of a press, will be able to solve all problems. Improve service quality in order to increase access to the value of the guests, but the cost of services; services caused by a lack of links or the cost of waste, we must attach importance to. In the hotel services, often referred to the remedial measures. However, the cost of remedial measures is often no one really to be concerned, if to do a cost-benefit analysis --- will be found. The principle of effective service: guests can meet the demand for and value-creating services, in order to be effective. Effective and ineffective services, the difference is experience, sincerity, attitude and interpersonal skills to deal with. European hotel service more effective. If the customer attaches great importance to the use of the history files. Hotel guests stay over a second stay on the need to repeat the registration. The reason for this is: Remember that only hotel guests, hotel guests can think of. Kaiyuan hotel management specification: Group to implement all the Chinese do-bed hotel services, will be replaced by cotton blankets, quilts will be flat in bed, or on the bed after the break. First of all, this user-friendly than Western-style bed, "rigid norms for less than" a similar approach should be to improve reformed. The principle of differentiation: fully meet the needs of guests, make the most of its characteristics. Hotel guests are at the center of attention. Guests have a common demand side, standardize services to meet the needs of the majority of the guests, and a higher quality of service standards. Everyone must have the job specification every detail, and accept the system and ongoing training. Guests and the needs of differences in norms on the basis of service, to provide personalized services, such as the golden key services, is the quality; personalized service is icing on the cake, the guests will stay an unforgettable experience of the consumer. Kaiyuan Hotel advocacy and "Everybody golden key" service concept, in a guest room placed on the personalized service questionnaire, as long as guests stay at one and fill in the demand for personalized, next will be the same. According to standardize procedures for the operation, according to the wishes of the guests, will reflect the true characteristics of their own. The principle of active service: customers get the true care and comfort is the hotel's mission. For guests, employees with the same sense of service is the best. Is not a simple quality of service techniques and practices of the high and low art, but on the deep cultural enterprises, as well as employees of the boot of their own behavior. With this service desire to be in the service of respect for the guests from the point of view of different guests to take a different attitude, saying that different, to provide personalized service. A room attendant in the clean room, her primary responsibility is to organize a clean room. But she found that the guests do not have the clothes hanging in the bathroom, the sun will take the initiative to come up with, at the same time do not forget the message into the card room, told the guests the situation so that the guests feel at ease. Finally, she will be the smoothing shirts, buttons replaced, it is clear that this is the initiative to refinement of the service. Improve service quality awareness, it is necessary to upgrade the hotel brand as a top priority. In particular, we should pay attention to the details of the product. Only three of the services the hotel will be the gold standard (see all the guests must be clean and beautiful, made available to all guests must be used in a safe and effective, all hotel guests to see the staff must be warm and polite) truly, Well, and do well, and will create a superior image of the hotel.
第1个回答  2008-11-06