

If you want to achieve success in life, I suppose you have a lot to learn from the great geniuses in human history. Firstly, you must be curious about everything. That is, you can't take everything just for granted. You should keep asking questions about the world and try to search for the answers. Secondly, you should keep trying until you succeed. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he invented the light bulb. So you must be prepared to work long and hard against great difficulties. Thirdly, you must have inspiration and be quick to grasp what you see. Finally, you should also find ways to keep yourself healthy so as to keep your mind operating at its best. 如果你想在生活中取得成功,我想你要向人类历史上伟大的天才学习很多东西。首先,你必须对一切都好奇。也就是说,你不能想当然地认为一切都是理所当然的。你应该不断地问有关这个世界的问题,并试着寻找答案。其次,你应该不断努力直到成功。托马斯·爱迪生在发明灯泡之前失败过几千次。所以你必须做好准备,努力克服困难。第三,你必须有灵感,并迅速掌握你所看到的。最后,你也应该找到保持自己健康的方法,使你的头脑保持最佳状态。