

Susan: Hi, Jane. How are you?
Jane: Not bad, and you?
Susan: I feel great!
Jason: Hi, excuse me. Do you know where is room 213?
Jane: It's upstairs, near the computer lab. We're going there, too. Want to come with us?
Jason: That would help me a lot.
Susan: I'm Susan, and this is Jane(pointing at Jane). What's your name?
Jason: I'm Jason. I'm new to the school.
Jane and Susan: Welcome to our school!
Jason: Thanks.
Susan: What are your favourite subjects?
Jason: I like art and physic. ed. the best
Jane: I like art, too. I'm going to buy acrylic paint and brushes with Sandra today after school.
Jason: I need to go buy some paint brushes, too. Can I come with you?
Jane: Sure.
Sandra: Hi, Jane.
Jane: Hi, Sandra. Sandra, this is Jason. He's new to our school. Jason this is my art buddy Sandra.
Jason: Hi Sandra.
Sandra: Hi, Jason. Jane and I sometimes paint portraits of our friends. Then, we ask our friends to vote for the best portrait.
Jason: Cool.
Jane: You can be our next model if you want.
Jason: Sure.
Cashier: May I help you?
Jane: I want to buy some acrylic paint, but I can't find it.
Cashier: See that counter over there with crayons on it. The paint is beside the crayons.
Jane: I see. Thank you so much.
(Jane goes to get the paint. Then, she returns with five brushes and some paint)
Cashier: sixty yuan, please.
Jane: Here you are.
Cashier: Here are your changes.
Jane: Thank you.
Susan: Jane, finally I found you. I need your help.
Jane: What's wrong?
Susan: My uncles and aunts are coming over. My mom wants me to book two rooms in Jin Jiang Hotel for them. Can you come with me? Because I'm two shy to go there alone.
Jane: No problem.
(at Jin Jiang Hotel)
Hotel receptionist: How can I help you?
Susan: I want to book two rooms for one night.
Hotel receptionist: Wait a minute. How old are you?
Susan: I'm sixteen.
Hotel receptionist: Can you have your parents come here to book the rooms?
Susan: Okay.

第1个回答  2010-12-21
第2个回答  2010-12-20