
What were these changes? In the economic sphere, fist all an enormously expanded commerce. Kato Shigeshi and Denis Twitchett have demonstrated, in middle and late T'ang, the breakdown of an older system of government markets and state-regulated trade in the capitals and larger population centers, the growing importance of commercial taxes of state revenues, and the emergence, even in the public pronouncements of the scholar-official class, of a new and relatively tolerant attitude toward trade and merchants.
Commercial expansion was reflected in the growing importance of money. Kato has shown the rise of gold and silver as private media of exchange beginning in T'ang; Rover Hartwell, Ch'uan Han-sheng, and Sogabe Shizuo have dealt with the emergence and expansion of paper money under Sung.

What were these changes?
In the economic sphere, fist all an enormously expanded commerce.
Kato Shigeshi and Denis Twitchett have demonstrated,
【Kato Shigeshi和Denis Twitchett已经(在他们的论著中)论证过,】
in middle and late T'ang, the breakdown of an older system of government markets and state-regulated trade in the capitals and larger population centers,
the growing importance of commercial taxes of state revenues,
and the emergence, even in the public pronouncements of the scholar-official class, of a new and relatively tolerant attitude toward trade and merchants.

全段【(所带来的)这些变化是什么?在经济领域中,首当其冲的就是商务的极大扩张。Kato Shigeshi和Denis Twitchett已经(在他们的论著中)论证过: 在盛唐和后唐时期,在首府和一些人口密集的城市中政府的市场以及政府调控下的交易这么一个腐朽的系统的瓦解;在国家财政收入中商业税的重要性日益增强;以及“儒吏阶级"这种针对贸易与商人的一种新的,相对宽容的政策的出现及甚至公开合法化。】

Commercial expansion was reflected in the growing importance of money.
Kato has shown the rise of gold and silver as private media of exchange beginning in T'ang;
Rover Hartwell, Ch'uan Han-sheng, and Sogabe Shizuo have dealt with the emergence and expansion of paper money under Sung.
【Rover Hartwell, Ch'uan Han-sheng以及Sogabe Shizuo则针对始于宋朝并且流通逐渐扩张的纸币(做出论述)。】

全段:【商业扩张在日益增长的货币的重要性中被体现出来,Kato(在文中)表述了金银作为私下交换的媒介是在唐朝时开始流行(的过程);Rover Hartwell, Ch'uan Han-sheng以及Sogabe Shizuo则针对始于宋朝并且流通逐渐扩张的纸币(做出论述)。

Kato Shigeshi, Denis Twitchett, Rover Hartwell, Ch'uan Han-sheng以及Sogabe Shizuo 都是人名,是负责文章里某一部分的编撰,人名保留原样。

第1个回答  2010-12-10
第2个回答  2010-12-10
第3个回答  2010-12-10
这些变化是什么?就经济领域来说,首先得有一个极大的扩大贸易。Kato Shigeshi和Denis Twitchett表明, 在中晚期的唐朝,旧政府市场系统的失败、人们对于在国家在金融资本和人口中心的贸易调节、 日益增长的商业税、新新贸易、甚至在正式课堂的公共声明里有了对贸易和商人更宽容的认知。