love to do sth和love doing sth的区别


"love to do sth"和"love doing sth"都用来表达喜欢做某事的情感,但它们之间存在一些差异。1. 释义区别:"love to do sth"表示喜欢去做某个特定的动作或行为,而"love doing sth"表示喜欢进行某个持续的动作或行为。例句:- I love to read books before bedtime.(我喜欢在睡前读书)- She loves dancing in her free time.(她喜欢在空闲时间跳舞)2. 用法区别:"love to do sth"通常用于表达愿望、倾向或乐意去做某事,而"love doing sth"通常用于描述喜欢经常、习惯性地做某事。例句:- I love to travel to new places.(我喜欢去新地方旅行)- They love playing basketball every weekend.(他们喜欢每个周末打篮球)3. 使用环境区别:"love to do sth"更常用于书面语或正式场合,"love doing sth"更常用于口语或非正式场合。例句:- We would love to help you with your project.(我们很愿意帮助你完成项目)- John loves playing the guitar in his spare time.(约翰喜欢在业余时间弹吉他)4. 影响范围区别:"love to do sth"强调对特定动作或行为的喜爱,"love doing sth"强调对整个活动或过程的喜爱。例句:- She loves to cook Italian dishes.(她喜欢烹饪意大利菜)- They love swimming in the ocean.(他们喜欢在大海中游泳)5. 形象区别:"love to do sth"在形象上更正式、客观,"love doing sth"在形象上更亲切、主观。例句:- The children love to visit the zoo.(孩子们喜欢参观动物园)- My grandmother loves knitting sweaters for us.(我祖母喜欢为我们织毛衣)