love to do sth 和love doing sth 的区别


1. The difference between "love to do something" and "love doing something" lies in their meanings, usage, and the aspects they emphasize.
2. "Love to do something" suggests a fondness or enjoyment of performing a specific action once or on occasion. It can also indicate a passion for a particular activity. For example: "I love to read before bedtime."
3. "Love doing something" implies a regular or habitual engagement in an activity, something that is often enjoyed or done. It can describe both current actions and past habits. For example: "I love going for a run in the morning."
4. In terms of usage, "love to do something" is often used to express a future action or a current action that is not habitual. It can be used in the present tense. For example: "She loves to travel to new places."
5. "Love doing something" is used to describe actions that are ongoing, habitual, or something that has been enjoyed in the past. It is typically used in the present continuous tense. For example: "He loves playing soccer every weekend."
6. The emphasis differs as well. "Love to do something" emphasizes the act itself, suggesting a specific instance or a particular liking for a one-time event. "Love doing something," on the other hand, emphasizes the ongoing nature or the habit of the action.
7. To summarize, "love to do something" is about liking an action in a general sense or looking forward to a specific instance, while "love doing something" is about enjoying a repeated action or having a lasting fondness for a regular activity.