
1.他们为地震受难者建了一个避难所。(shelter)2.我很后悔考试前没有花足够时间复习。(动名词)3.我常常见他在操场上欺负他的同学。(see)4.他不明白为什么女儿这么喜欢看电视广告。(宾语从句)5.政府已采取了有效措施来防止H1N1流感的传播。(take action) 括号里的词要用在句子中,谢谢。

1、The earthquake victims they built a shelter2、I regret that before the examination did not spend enough time reviewing
3、I often see him in the playground to bully his classmates.
4、He can not understand why her daughter's television advertising
5、The government has taken effective actions to prevent the spread of influenza h1n1