纳尼亚传奇观后感 英文小作文 80到100字 帮我写一篇吧



Today, I bosom abnormality the mood of the excitement arrived at movie theater and watch movie:《The Na Ni second legend 》.

It related in the play:During the period of World War II, the region children drive urgent the evacuation go to each region, skin text Si a four kid drive arrangement reside temporarily in a house with big countryside.In the big house, the kid sister Lucy camed across an evil wardrobe, it is exactly the sorcery Kingdom Na Ni second entrance, the skin text Si house of four kid all got into Na Ni second, the Na Ni that is at this time's being second be cover with by the influence of improbity, is deathless for thousand years of white witch rule the whole Kingdom, she used scheme Dian Fu lion a king of rule, is second the Na Ni to become whole year round cold of ice snow world, children decision help lion the king take back scepter, hence, they launched second in the sorcery Kingdom Na Ni of adventure.

Classic in the world Zhao 《the Na Ni second legend 》take us into the sorcery world of different fantasy sort, for 《the Na Ni second legend 》receive top the 1 F mysterious veil.There is half deer person's soup Mr. Ma3 Si, thousand years and deathless white witch, Kingdom in sorcery world originally of four kid of the ruler lion king, and the skin text Si house and the wild beast of various each kind.

《The Na Ni second legend 》tell us:Regardless be still in the vain evil Huan world in now of the reality the life, will have true, kind, the United States, with the genuine feeling of the human life existence, be all of true, kind, the United States and when the genuine feeling of the human life coagulate into a kind of strength for solidify, justice of a square meet for great battle to win forever improbity of influence.
第1个回答  2013-07-16
魔 男孩迪戈雷和女孩波莉喜欢冒险,他俩误入迪戈雷舅舅安德鲁的实验室,安德鲁是个蹩脚而自私的魔法师。为了实验自己的魔法,他利用魔法戒指把迪戈雷和波莉送到一个神秘的树林,这里可通往各个世界。通过戒指的魔力,两个孩子又到达了一个濒死的世界——恰恩城。迪戈雷出于好奇,唤醒了邪恶的女巫----简蒂丝女王。女巫曾用灭绝咒使恰恩王国变成荒凉的城市,并灭绝了那里所有的活物。她跟随两个孩子到了伦敦。安德鲁舅舅在她面前吓得直哆嗦,甘心做她的奴仆。为了不让她继续在城里为非作歹,两个孩子又把她带到另一个世界。安德鲁舅舅、马车夫和他的老马也跟随而去。在这个世界里,他们目睹狮王阿斯兰创造了万物,建立了一个全新的国度——纳尼亚王国。阿斯兰任命马车夫和他的妻子作为纳尼亚王国的第一位国王和王后,并把他的老马变成飞马。迪戈雷被狮王阿斯兰派到远方的花园摘取一只苹果——生命果。在那里,迪戈雷抵制住女巫简蒂丝的诱惑,把生命果带了回来。阿斯兰将苹果树种在纳尼亚的边境,以抵御女巫的侵袭。迪戈雷从这新的苹果树上得到一只生命果,和波莉一起回家,并治好了他母亲的病。
《狮王、妖婆和大衣柜》 佩文西家四个兄弟姐妹彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露茜在一位老教授家做客,无意中发现衣橱后隐藏着一个神奇的魔法王国。这里的居民有羊怪、海狸、矮人、树精……但在阿斯兰离开纳尼亚期间,这个国家被一个邪恶的白女巫占领。她压迫纳尼亚的居民,将其置于永恒的冬季之中。羊怪曾冒着生命危险救过露茜,海狸一家也帮助他们兄妹逃脱白女巫的追杀。爱德蒙曾受白女巫土耳其软糖的诱惑,一度背叛过自己的兄妹。 后来,阿斯兰伴随着圣诞老人来到纳尼亚,带领大家战胜了女巫。四个孩子成为纳尼亚的国王与女王。多年后,他们在打猎时无意中穿过衣橱,重新以孩子的身份回到自己的世界。